
"de asombro" in English

"de asombro" in English
de asombro{adjective}
amazed{adj.} [idiom] (expression, tone)
Los comentarios tras la cumbre de Hampton Court fueron de asombro de que nada ocurriera.
The comments after Hampton Court were from those amazed that nothing happened.
stunned{adj.} (shocked, amazed)

Context examples for "de asombro" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Los comentarios tras la cumbre de Hampton Court fueron de asombro de que nada ocurriera.
The comments after Hampton Court were from those amazed that nothing happened.
Si yo fuera el Primer Ministro de Turquía no saldría de mi asombro.
If I were the Prime Minister of Turkey, I would never cease to be astonished.
No obstante, su sentimiento de satisfacción probablemente superaría al de su asombro.
However, their feeling of satisfaction would probably overpower their feeling of amazement.
Yo, como protestante, debo admitir que no salgo de mi asombro.
As a Protestant, I must say that I am very surprised about this, to say the least.
En ambas ocasiones, me quedé mudo de asombro por lo que me dijeron.
On both occasions, I was absolutely dumbfounded as to what they told us.
Al misterio nos hemos de acercar con una actitud de asombro y de
One approaches the mystery with an attitude of awe and adoration,
Los agricultores no salen de su asombro y están al borde de la desesperación.
Farmers are bewildered and at their wits' end.
No debería ser motivo de asombro que nuestro dictamen sobre el órgano colegiado no sea tan unánime.
The fact that we have formed different judgements about individual members of the collegiate body is no surprise.
prorrumpieron en exclamaciones de asombro al contemplarlo
they cried out in amazement when they saw it
Señor Presidente, ante todo algunas palabras de asombro.
Mr President, some surprises first of all.
– Señor Presidente, he escuchado con absoluto asombro algunas de las cosas que se han dicho aquí esta noche.
Mr President, I have listened with complete amazement to some of the things that have been said here tonight.
Entonces su mujer se acercó [a los huéspedes] gritando y golpeándose la cara [de asombro], y exclamó: “¡Una vieja estéril [como yo]!
Then his wife came up in great grief, and she struck her face and said, "An old barren woman!
la gente quedó muda de asombro al oír el anuncio
a shocked silence greeted the announcement
Esta firmeza es algo que los Estados Unidos, en particular, siguen con una mezcla de asombro y envidia.
This determination is something which the United States, in particular, is following with a measure of astonishment and jealousy.
– Señor Presidente, he escuchado con absoluto asombro algunas de las cosas que se han dicho aquí esta noche.
This is actually about protecting jobs that already exist and about protecting our environment and indeed our fishing industry.
se asombró de que no hubieras llegado
he was very surprised that you hadn't arrived
para asombro de todos, se recuperó
to everyone's amazement, he did recover
la cara de asombro que pusieron
the astonished look on their faces
Si le preguntan a los tribunales superiores de Turquía acerca de esto, para mi asombro, todavía son incapaces de dar respuestas.
If you question the highest courts in Turkey about this, to my astonishment, they are still unable to provide you with any answers.
me quedé paralizado de asombro
I was struck with astonishment