
"asombro" in English

Imaginen mi asombro: la frontera alemana carece de una interconexión óptima.
Imagine my amazement: the optimum interconnection is lacking at the German border.
De hecho, no habrá desconcertante asombro, porque las razones de esta histeria están claras.
In fact, there will be no bemused amazement, for the reason for this hysteria is clear.
El conjunto de Europa miraba hacia Praga con asombro.
The whole of Europe looked to Prague in amazement.
Señor Presidente, he escuchado con considerable asombro su declaración.
Mr President, I listened to your statement with a fair degree of astonishment.
Para mi asombro, la Presidencia se mostró de acuerdo conmigo, diciendo que era exactamente eso lo que quieren ser.
To my astonishment the Presidency agreed with me, saying that was exactly what they want it to be.
Esta firmeza es algo que los Estados Unidos, en particular, siguen con una mezcla de asombro y envidia.
This determination is something which the United States, in particular, is following with a measure of astonishment and jealousy.
No debería ser motivo de asombro que nuestro dictamen sobre el órgano colegiado no sea tan unánime.
The fact that we have formed different judgements about individual members of the collegiate body is no surprise.
Señor Presidente, ante todo algunas palabras de asombro.
Mr President, some surprises first of all.
Me asombró leer en la prensa que las sustancias eran cancerígenas.
I was surprised to read reports in the press that the sludge was carcinogenic.
En la escucha de la Palabra, no sin asombro, descubrimos que la categoría
In listening to the Word, with wonder, we discover that the most
Quizá resulta difícil, en la cultura actual, experimentar asombro ante el don de la vida.(30)
Perhaps it is not easy, in today's culture, to experience wonder before the gift of life.(30)
la capacidad de asombro de un niño
a child's sense of wonder
Señor Presidente, si bien es costumbre comenzar la intervención dando las gracias, le ruego que me permita unir a este agradecimiento el asombro que me produce el informe objeto de este debate.
Mr President, although it is customary to express gratitude, please allow me to unite that with wonderment at the report that is now before us.
(41) En el asombro de su espléndida intuición, S. Teresa del Niño Jesús afirma: «... entendí que la Iglesia tiene un corazón y que este corazón está ardiendo en amor.
(41) In the wonderment of her splendid intuition, Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus declares: “I understood that the Church had a Heart and that this Heart was ablaze with love.
(NL) Señora Presidenta, la hipocresía y las contradicciones de esta Cámara me siguen asombrando.
(NL) Madam President, the hypocrisy and inconsistency of this House continue to amaze me.
Me asombra que muchos de los diputados suecos hayan votado a favor de este informe.
It amazes me that so many of my fellow Members from Sweden have voted in favour of this report.
Me asombra la falta de preocupación por parte de los gobernantes de Europa.
I am amazed by the lack of concern on the part of those who govern Europe.
Dijo: «Ahora voy a decirles algo que les asombrará.
He said: ‘I am now going to say something that will astonish you.
Me asombra la postura negativa adoptada por mis colegas socialistas en este aspecto.
I am astonished by the negative stance taken by my Socialist colleagues in this respect.
Además, me asombra que la Canciller Merkel pida la intervención del FMI.
Moreover, I am astonished that Chancellor Merkel is bringing the International Monetary Fund into play.
Francamente, me asombra mucho oírles decir a algunos que necesitamos directivas derivadas.
I have certainly been astounded to hear one or two speakers say that we need daughter directives.
Sobre el fondo, me asombra lo que se dice, por una parte, en el párrafo 2 del informe y, por otra, en el párrafo 3.
On the substance, I am astounded by what is said in paragraph 2 of the report, on the one hand, and then in paragraph 3, on the other.
Si lo tuviera, les presentaría los cálculos y se quedarían asombrados al comprobar las posibilidades que ofrece.
If I did, I would work it out for you and you would be astounded at the possibilities it encompasses.

Context examples for "asombro" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Los comentarios tras la cumbre de Hampton Court fueron de asombro de que nada ocurriera.
The comments after Hampton Court were from those amazed that nothing happened.
Señor Presidente, advierto con asombro que mi nombre no aparece en la lista de presencia.
Mr President, I was astonished to see that my name is not on the record of attendance.
Si yo fuera el Primer Ministro de Turquía no saldría de mi asombro.
If I were the Prime Minister of Turkey, I would never cease to be astonished.
En ambas ocasiones, me quedé mudo de asombro por lo que me dijeron.
On both occasions, I was absolutely dumbfounded as to what they told us.
A este respecto me asombró enormemente la imposibilidad de tratar toda la cuestión kurda.
I was particularly struck by how utterly impossible it is to talk about the Kurdish question.
no desfallezca el asombro del niño ante el misterio del amor de
childlike awe before the mystery of the love of God revealed in the
Al misterio nos hemos de acercar con una actitud de asombro y de
One approaches the mystery with an attitude of awe and adoration,
Pero mi expectativa se transformó en asombro al leer el informe.
But instead I was completely amazed when I read his report.
Los agricultores no salen de su asombro y están al borde de la desesperación.
Farmers are bewildered and at their wits' end.
Y causa asombro constatar que su palabra cobra cada
is striking to note that his words acquire ever greater force: now more
Anoche me asombró la intervención del Sr. Fatuzzo.
Last night, I was astonished by Mr Fatuzzo's speech.
Mucho me asombró el número de personas que mencionaron esta cuestión, exactamente tal como yo la veo.
I was quite taken by the number of people who referred to that, exactly in accordance with my thinking on the matter.
prorrumpieron en exclamaciones de asombro al contemplarlo
they cried out in amazement when they saw it
Entonces su mujer se acercó [a los huéspedes] gritando y golpeándose la cara [de asombro], y exclamó: “¡Una vieja estéril [como yo]!
Then his wife came up in great grief, and she struck her face and said, "An old barren woman!
Recientemente me asombró descubrir que tan sólo en el sudeste de Inglaterra hay nada menos que 300 vendedores de armas.
I was stunned recently to discover that there are up to 300 arms brokers in the south-east of England alone.
Señor Presidente, hay momentos en que el cinismo puede llegar a tal punto de degradación moral que provoca asombro.
Mr President, there are times when cynicism can reach such a degree of moral degradation that it is truly amazing.
rechazó la oferta, lo cual le causó gran asombro
to his amazement, she turned down the offer
la gente quedó muda de asombro al oír el anuncio
a shocked silence greeted the announcement
– Señor Presidente, he escuchado con absoluto asombro algunas de las cosas que se han dicho aquí esta noche.
This is actually about protecting jobs that already exist and about protecting our environment and indeed our fishing industry.
se asombró de que no hubieras llegado
he was very surprised that you hadn't arrived