
"de la puerta" in English

"de la puerta" in English
door{noun} (handle, key)
La indicación de la puerta recuerda la responsabilidad de cada creyente de cruzar su umbral.
To focus upon the door is to recall the responsibility of every believer to cross its threshold.
Es que se trata de un segundo mundo paralelo: el mundo de la puerta de al lado.
What matters is that they constitute a second, parallel world, the world of next-door.
Al mismo tiempo ilumina también este rito de clausura de la Puerta Santa.
It also sheds light on today’s rite of the closing of the Holy Door.

Context examples for "de la puerta" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
me cobró un dineral por la desabolladura de la puerta
he charged me a fortune to beat the dent out of the car door
Hoy encomiendo vuestra patria a la Virgen de la Puerta de la Aurora y a san Casimiro, patrono de Lituania.
Today I commend your nation to the Madonna of the Dawn Gate and to Saint Casimir, Patron of Lithuania.
— allí, al lado de la puerta
where is my umbrella? — there, by the door
se cuela una corriente de aire por debajo de la puerta
there's a draft coming in under the door
— ahí, al lado de la puerta
where is my umbrella? — there, by the door
con el viento se había colado arena por debajo de la puerta
sand had blown in under the door
de pronto salió de detrás de la puerta
he suddenly appeared from behind the door
una cabeza asomó por detrás de la puerta
a head bobbed out from behind the door
colgó el abrigo detrás de la puerta
he hung his coat up behind the door
se plantó delante de la puerta
he planted himself in front of the door
pasé sigilosamente por delante de la puerta
I crept past the doorway
se ha salido el pomo de la puerta
the knob has come off the door
escuchaba detrás de la puerta
he was listening at the door
se puso cerca de la puerta
he stood himself near the door
la llave de la puerta principal
the key to the front door
traspuso el umbral de la puerta
he crossed the threshold
sonó el timbre de la puerta
there was a ring at the door
está justo al lado de la puerta
it's right by the door
Los sindicatos cristianos continúan esperando al otro lado de la puerta, al igual que muchos representantes de pequeños sectores y ramas profesionales.
The Christian trade unions are still waiting in the wings, as are many representatives of small sectors and areas of employment.
detrás de la puerta
behind the door