
"a long shot" in Spanish

a long shot{noun} [idiom]
a long shot
toma a distancia

Context examples for "a long shot" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
There is every reason to speak out openly that not all is well yet, not by a long shot.
Hay muchas razones para decir con claridad que aún no está todo bien, en absoluto.
It is a long shot, but you never know - and it is worth working for.
Es una posibilidad muy remota, pero nunca se sabe y merece la pena trabajar en ello.
As is evident from the amendments, the battle is not over yet, not by a long shot.
Tal como figura en algunas enmiendas, la lucha no ha terminado, ni mucho menos, en lo que a esto respecta.
Bosnia is not ready for EU membership, not by a long shot.
Bosnia no está preparada para pertenecer a la UE, ni mucho menos.
It is just unfortunate that they are not enough, not by a long shot.
Por desgracia, distan mucho de ser suficientes.
Similarly, the financing pledge of 0.7% of the national budget has not been fulfilled by a long shot.
De forma similar, el compromiso de dedicar el 0,7% del presupuesto nacional se ha incumplido con creces.
Turkey is not yet ready to abolish the death sentence by a long shot, even if the death sentence is not actually carried out.
No es hora de que Turquía derogue la pena de muerte, aunque ésta no se aplique.
Certainly, progress has been made, but not enough to achieve an acceptable standard, not by a long shot.
Se han logrado progresos, por supuesto, pero no bastan para alcanzar un nivel aceptable, ni mucho menos.
Not by a long shot is it taken as self-evident, as it should be, that companies should exercise corporate social responsibility.
Nadie da por sentado, como debería ser, que las empresas deban ejercer una responsabilidad social.
it's a very long shot, but it might just work
es una posibilidad muy remota pero quizás resulte
This agreement is not enough, not by a long shot.
Este acuerdo no es suficiente, ni de lejos.
he's not as good as she is, not by a long shot
él no es, ni por asomo, tan bueno como ella
he's not as good as she is, not by a long shot
él no es tan bueno como ella ni mucho menos
they're not millionaires, not by a long shot
no son millonarios ni nada que se le parezca
That is something we men take for granted, not so women, even in Central European societies, not by a long shot.
Eso es algo que los hombres damos por sentado, no así las mujeres, ni siquiera en las sociedades de Europa Central, en absoluto.
It is all well and good that President Putin should urge President Lukashenko to prevent violence, but it is not enough, not by a long shot.
Es positivo que el Presidente Putin pida al Presidente Lukashenko que evite la violencia, pero no es suficiente, ni mucho menos.
medium long shot
plano medio largo
a long shot
toma a distancia
We all know that Greece does not come up to the mark, not by a long shot, something that has been mentioned on two occasions in the Court of Auditors' annual report.
Todos sabemos que Grecia dista mucho de estar a la altura, como ya ha señalado en dos ocasiones el informe anual del Tribunal de Cuentas.
At the end of this month, we are half-way through this period, but not half-way in terms of realising these goals, unfortunately, not by a long shot.
A finales de este mes habrá transcurrido la mitad del plazo previsto, pero lamentablemente no habremos cumplido la mitad de estos objetivos ni por asomo.