
"yours truly" in Spanish

"yours truly" in Spanish

Context examples for "yours truly" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
they leave everything lying around and then, of course yours truly has to clear it all up
dejan todo por ahí y luego una servidora, claro, tiene que recogerlo todo
yours truly!
¿quién terminó haciéndolo? un servidor
yours truly!
¿quién terminó haciéndolo? aquí, menda
There was a bit of an argument - some were in favour, such as yours truly, and some wanted to put back the date of this major event.
Estábamos en desacuerdo: había quien, como yo, estaba a favor y quien quería posponer este importante acontecimiento.
truly yours
suyo afectísimo
yours truly
suyo afectísimo
yours truly
este cura
The Member in question, that is yours truly, did attempt to approach the Commission, which informally provided him with information regarding a situation which could be described as a deadlock.
El diputado en cuestión, o sea, yo, ha tratado de dirigirse a la Comisión que, informalmente, le ha informado del estado que podríamos llamar de impasse en que se encuentra el asunto.