
"lo suyo" in English

"lo suyo" in English
lo suyo{pronoun masculine}
lo suyo{pronoun masculine}
Cada uno no recibe de este modo lo contrario de “lo suyo”?
Would this not mean that each one receives the contrary of his “due”?
lo suyo ya no son lagunas sino océanos
I wouldn't say there are gaps in his knowledge, more like yawning chasms
estaba decidido a defender lo suyo
he was determined to fight his own corner
Cada Estado miembro opinaba lo suyo.
Each Member State had its own opinion on the matter.
Todos esos problemas contribuyen, cada uno con lo suyo, a que aumente la seguridad judicial en Europa.
Each of these programmes plays its own part in increasing legal security within Europe.
Quisiera decir al Consejo que en el futuro es importante que trabaje con el Parlamento en lugar de salirse por la tangente e ir a lo suyo.
I would say to the Council that in future it is important that it works with Parliament rather than going off at a tangent and doing its own thing.

Similar translations for "lo suyo" in English
Context examples for "lo suyo" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
También Zaire y Ruanda, en lo que respecta a mi propio país, han sufrido lo suyo.
Zaire and Rwanda bear witness to the responsibility of my own country in this respect.
está más en lo suyo con un taladro que con una máquina de coser
she's more at home with an electric drill than a sewing machine
No se me escapa la coherencia de este argumento, por lo que pediré a la Comisión que lo haga suyo.
I appreciate the consistency of this argument and I would therefore ask the Commission to endorse it.
Rothley ha sido consecuente en lo suyo.
But the position adopted by Mr Rothley has been consistent.
lo suyo ya no son lagunas sino océanos
I wouldn't say there are gaps in his knowledge, more like yawning chasms
Los grandes grupos han ido a lo suyo sin que a los demás se nos haya involucrado en estas negociaciones.
The major groups have gone through this process without the rest of us being involved at all in these negotiations.
al fin lo logró — sí, pero le costó lo suyo
he managed it in the end — yes, but not without a struggle
Sin embargo, esta clásica definición no aclara en realidad en qué consiste “lo suyo” que hay que asegurar a cada uno.
In reality, however, this classical definition does not specify what “due” is to be rendered to each person.
Los liberales y los "libertarios" quieren leyes que es posible aplicar: pero lo suyo es el libertinaje con la ley.
The Liberals and the 'libertarians' want laws that can be applied; but you adopt a libertine approach to the law.
Comprendo su razonamiento, pero no puedo atenderlo, ni el suyo ni lo que me va a decir ahora el Sr.
I understand your argument, but I cannot do anything, either for you or for Mr Salafranca who is now going to speak.
Los liberales y los " libertarios " quieren leyes que es posible aplicar: pero lo suyo es el libertinaje con la ley.
The Liberals and the 'libertarians ' want laws that can be applied; but you adopt a libertine approach to the law.
Los Ministros del Interior se ocupan de lo suyo a escala nacional y creen que tienen controlada la situación.
The Ministers of the Interior are doing their own thing at national level and believing that they have things under control.
Es lo suyo que un país que habla a favor del poder transformador de la Unión Europea supervise este proceso.
It is appropriate that a country which speaks for the transformative power of the European Union should oversee that process.
Los Países Bajos y Suecia han aportado lo suyo, pero, por ejemplo, Francia, Inglaterra y España apenas han hecho nada.
The Netherlands and Sweden have played their part, but France, England and Spain for instance have done very little.
Necesitamos que el Consejo y la Comisión hagan suyo lo que Martin Luther King llamó "la intensa urgencia de este momento".
We need the Council and the Commission to acknowledge what Martin Luther King called 'the fierce urgency of now'.
y no despojéis a la gente de lo que es justamente suyo; y no obréis mal en la tierra sembrado la corrupción,
And weigh with a true balance,
el médico nos dijo que lo suyo no tenía cura
the doctor told us she was beyond hope
¡lo suyo es crónico, siempre llega tarde!
she's a hopeless case! she's always late!
que cada cual se ocupe de lo suyo
everyone should take care of their own things
estaba decidido a defender lo suyo
he was determined to fight his own corner