
"papeleta de voto" in English

"papeleta de voto" in English

Context examples for "papeleta de voto" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Si quieren cambiar su voto, pidan al ujier una nueva papeleta de voto y entréguenle la antigua.
If you want to change your vote, ask the usher for a new ballot paper and surrender the old one.
El regalo era la papeleta de voto en la que se preguntaba si deseaban aprobar el Tratado de Lisboa.
The give-away was the ballot paper which asked whether they wanted to approve the Lisbon Treaty.
Señor Patakis, debe ir a recoger otra papeleta de voto.
Mr Patakis, you will have to go and get another voting card.
Señor Presidente, en la papeleta de voto que tenemos ante nosotros dice que la enmienda 85 es idéntica a la enmienda 99.
Mr President, on the voting slip which we have in front of us it says that Amendment No 85 is identical to Amendment No 99.
La papeleta de voto contiene 4 bloques.
The voting slip comprises 4 blocks.
Señor Presidente, tengo una pregunta: hasta ahora se nos ha dicho que teníamos que marcar con una cruz al menos siete candidatos para que la papeleta de voto fuese válida.
Mr President, I have a question. We have up until now been told that we must put crosses against the names of at least seven candidates if the ballot paper is to be valid.