
"to go dark" in Spanish

ennegrecerse{vb} (ponerse oscuro)
to go dark[example]
to go dark
quedar a oscuras
to go dark
quedarse a oscuras

Context examples for "to go dark" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Those are the older people and women who dare not go out after dark and who are terrorised on public transport.
Son las personas mayores y mujeres que no se atreven a salir cuando ha oscurecido y que van aterrorizadas en el transporte público.
Again I will quote her words in her sadness: 'We do not want to go back into the dark days again of fear and terror.
Voy a citar de nuevo las palabras que pronunció en medio de su tristeza: "No queremos volver a los días oscuros de miedo y terror.
don't go out alone after dark
no salgas solo de noche
to go dark
quedarse a oscuras
to go dark
quedar a oscuras