
"fingido" in English

fingido{adjective masculine}
Se tiene que evitar el abuso de nuevas formas de empleo, el autoempleo fingido y el trabajo no declarado.
The abuse of new forms of employment must also be prevented, along with bogus self-employment and undeclared work.
cod{adj.} (accent)
mock{adj.} (anger, outrage)
fingido(also: falso)
pseudo{adj.} [coll.]
put-on{adj.} [coll.] (accent, interest)
fingido(also: falso)
sham{adj.} [pej.] (emotion, interest, sympathy)
studied{adj.} (pose, manner, nonchalance)
affected{adj.} [TM] [idiom] (false)
fingido(also: falso)
pretended{vb} (innocence)
En muchas ocasiones anteriores, hemos fingido haber conseguido resultados.
On many previous occasions, we have pretended that we have achieved results.
Señor Presidente, solamente quería sumarme a quienes insisten en que ha fingido no ver las tarjetas azules esta noche.
Mr President, I just wanted to add my voice to those insisting that you pretended not to see the blue cards tonight.
Nuestro Parlamento no puede fingir que no entiende, fingir que no percibe esta política.
This Parliament cannot pretend it does not understand or that it is not aware of this policy.
No podemos fingir que los franceses y holandeses no rechazaron la Constitución europea.
We cannot pretend that the European Constitution was not rejected by the French and the Dutch.
No obstante, no deberíamos fingir que estamos de acuerdo en todo.
However, we should not pretend to agree on everything.
Dejemos de fingir indignación humanitaria.
Let us stop acting out humanitarian indignation.
No estaba simulando, no estaba fingiendo el dolor; nadie acude a un campo de refugiados por gusto.
She was not acting it, she was not pretending it - nobody goes to a refugee camp for fun.
Durante muchos años, el Parlamento ha pedido repetidamente al Consejo que tome medidas respecto a esta cuestión, pero el Consejo ha fingido no escuchar ni ver.
For many years now, Parliament has repeatedly asked the Council to take action on this issue, but the Council has acted blind and deaf.
to sham {vb}
Aquí se engaña y se finge, ésta no es una política real.
This is all sham and facade, it is not realistic politics.
Solo los que divulgan la falsa idea de que se ha alcanzado un supuesto consenso en la Convención pueden fingir estupor.
Only those who promote the false idea that a supposed consensus was obtained within the Convention can feign astonishment.
fingir inocencia
to feign innocence
La relación de la UE con Rusia debe transformarse en una auténtica asociación y no solo en una asociación fingida.
The relationship between the EU and Russia must take the form of a genuine partnership, and not just a feigned partnership.
Se finge creer que este drama es atribuible a la meteorología.
We pretend to put this human drama down to the weather.
Si no ponemos fin a los , simplemente deberíamos derogar la legislación y dejar de fingir que queremos poner en práctica cualquier norma mínima sensata sobre el tiempo de trabajo.
If we do not end the opt-out, we should simply repeal the legislation and stop pretending that we want to put in place any sensible minimum standards at all on working time.

Context examples for "fingido" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
En muchas ocasiones anteriores, hemos fingido haber conseguido resultados.
On many previous occasions, we have pretended that we have achieved results.
¿Es la libertad de religión realmente compatible con un Islam controlado por el Estado en un fingido laicismo?
Is freedom of religion really compatible with state-controlled Islam in the guise of secularism?
Señor Presidente, solamente quería sumarme a quienes insisten en que ha fingido no ver las tarjetas azules esta noche.
Mr President, I just wanted to add my voice to those insisting that you pretended not to see the blue cards tonight.
no aguanto ese acento británico fingido
I can't stand that phoney British accent
no aguanto ese acento británico fingido
I can't stand that phony British accent
Durante muchos años, el Parlamento ha pedido repetidamente al Consejo que tome medidas respecto a esta cuestión, pero el Consejo ha fingido no escuchar ni ver.
For many years now, Parliament has repeatedly asked the Council to take action on this issue, but the Council has acted blind and deaf.