
"de loco" in English

"de loco" in English
de loco{adjective}
de loco{adjective}
crazed{adj.} (eyes, expression)
nutty{adj.} (eccentric)
wild{adj.} (frantic)

Context examples for "de loco" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
El 91 % estaba loco de contento con lo que le había sucedido durante el curso.
Ninety-one percent were over the moon with what had happened to them on the course.
No te entusiasmes demasiado cuando se lo cuentes a tus amigos o empezarán a llamarte loco de la electrónica.
Don’t rave about it too much to your friends, though, or they might start calling you a gadget geek.
Él se ha declarado abiertamente en contra de entrar en lo que él describe " este loco círculo de violencia ".
He has openly spoken out against entering into what he described as " this insane cycle of violence ".
Yo le pido que lo haga constar en el Acta, pues considero un honor para mí ser tachado de loco por un fascista.
I request that you note that in the Minutes, because I consider it an honour to be designated as mad by a fascist.
estaba corriendo como un loco de aquí para allá
he was dashing around like nobody's business
Normalmente, uno sale bien en la foto, pero el otro sale apartando la mirada, con los ojos cerrados o con pelos de loco.
Of course usually one of us looks great while the other one is looking away, blinking, or has weird-looking hair.
de cuerdo y loco todos tenemos un poco
we're all a little crazy in one way or another
ni loco voy de compras un sábado
I avoid Saturday shopping like the plague
el loco de Javier se ha venido a pie
Javier walked here, madman that he is
andaba como un loco de un lado para otro
he paced to and fro distractedly
tú debes de estar loco
you must be out of your cotton-picking mind
su comportamiento es propio de un loco
he behaves like a madman
¿Es que atribuye sus falsas invenciones a Dios [a sabiendas] --o se trata de un loco?
And those who disbelieve say, "Shall we point out to you a man who informs you that when you have disintegrated into dust and become scattered, even then you shall be created anew?
(SV) Señora Presidenta, señor Bloom, aspirar al permiso parental y considerar que es algo bueno no dice de nadie que esté loco de remate.
(SV) Madam President, Mr Bloom, desiring parental insurance and believing it to be a good thing does not make someone raving mad.
Hace tres años, si alguien en esta Asamblea hubiera dicho que lo que hoy está sucediendo era verdad, no cabe duda de que lo habrían tildado de loco.
Three years ago, anyone in this House who said that this would really be happening today would definitely have been called crazy.
estaba loco de dolor
he was racked with pain
loco de entusiasmo
wild-eyed with excitement
Incluso hoy hemos oído hablar de James Bond, del espionaje estadounidense y hasta los desvaríos de un loco a mi izquierda hace unos momentos.
Even today we have heard talk of James Bond, of American espionage and we have had the rantings of the madman to my left a few moments ago.
está loco de atar
he's a raving lunatic
La Unión Europea también tiene la deuda de no haber logrado detener a tiempo el loco avance de Milosevic tan cerca de nuestras fronteras.
We in the European Union are also guilty of not having succeeded in time in preventing Milosevic's insane excursions so close to our own territory.