
"de esta manera" in English

"de esta manera" in English
De esta manera, conseguiremos normas comunitarias legítimas, claras y eficaces.
In this way we will produce legitimate, clear and effective Community laws.
De esta manera, se buscan soluciones para su reinserción en el mercado laboral.
In this way, solutions are being sought for their reintegration into the labour market.
Hemos de preguntarnos si conviene mezclar todo de esta manera.
We must question whether it is pertinent to lump everything together in this way.
like this{adv.}
No se puede seguir permitiendo que traten a los pasajeros de esta manera.
They cannot be allowed to get away with treating passengers like this any longer.
Si seguimos de esta manera, no es eso lo que no debe ser regulado.
If we continue like this, there will be nothing which is not regulated.
Ciertamente, ningún negocio funcionaría de esta manera.
For certain, no business would ever operate like this.

Synonyms (Spanish) for "de esta manera":
Context examples for "de esta manera" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Se lleva a cabo de esta manera porque no quieren que los consumidores lo sepan.
This has been carried out because they do not want consumers to know about it.
Solo de esta manera Francia podrá recuperar el liderazgo moral y cultural de Europa.
In this way only can France recover the moral and cultural leadership of Europe.
Lamento que el Parlamento y el Consejo hayan empleado su tiempo de esta manera.
I regret that the Council's and Parliament's time has been used in this way.
Sólo de esta manera, quizás, la Unión Europea saque las conclusiones necesarias.
Only then, perhaps, will the European Union draw the conclusions that it should draw.
De esta manera se crea una opinión pública que jamás se logra a través del papel.
It creates the kind of publicity that can never be achieved through pieces of paper.
De esta manera, conseguiremos normas comunitarias legítimas, claras y eficaces.
In this way we will produce legitimate, clear and effective Community laws.
De esta manera podremos avanzar paso a paso hacia una mayor integración europea.
In this way we can work towards further European integration step by step.
De esta manera, la normativa legal vigente resultaría más claro y menos ambiguo.
In this way, the state of the law would become clearer and less ambiguous.
No podemos seguir entablando «falsas negociaciones» con Irán de esta manera.
We cannot continue to engage in ‘pretend negotiations’ with Iran in this way.
Espero que sea la última vez que usted ofende a un diputado de esta manera.
I am assuming that this will be the last time you offend a Member in this way.
Supongo que no será de esta manera como la UE va a competir en el mercado mundial.
Surely, this is not the way the EU is going to compete in the world market?
Solo de esta manera es posible garantizar un futuro social y sostenible para el sector.
We would like the fund to grow even more, for workers want more than retraining.
No se puede seguir permitiendo que traten a los pasajeros de esta manera.
They cannot be allowed to get away with treating passengers like this any longer.
De esta manera, los esfuerzos mundiales en Sudán tendrán el máximo efecto.
In that way, the world’s total efforts in Sudan will achieve their maximum effect.
La página duplicada de esta manera se insertará detrás de la página original.
The slide thus duplicated is inserted as a new slide directly after the original one.
acercarse a objetos pequeños y lejanos; de esta manera permite, por ejemplo,
small and distant objects, allowing for example license plates to be clearly
Siempre se ha procedido de esta manera y así debía haber sido también esta vez.
That is what has always happened before, and it is what should have happened this time.
De esta manera, se buscan soluciones para su reinserción en el mercado laboral.
In this way, solutions are being sought for their reintegration into the labour market.
Colegio Episcopal y de esta manera expresan en conjunto y realizan en la
such a way that jointly they manifest and carry out in the Church-Sacrament the
Creo efectivamente, que de esta manera la UCLAF y su independencia se verán reforzadas.
I really believe that in this way UCLAF and its independence will be strengthened.