"dar salida a" in English
"dar salida a" in English
dar salida a(also: dar rienda suelta a)
Similar translations for "dar salida a" in English
to allot- to hand over- to accord- to accord- to advance- to allow- to assign- to award- to bear- to blow- to bring forth- to deal- to dish out- to dispense- to dispense- to dole out- to earn- to get in- to give out- to give out- to hand out- to hold- to hold out- to impart- to issue- to lay on- to pass on- to pitch- to play- to produce- to produce- to proffer- to put on- to quote- to render- to send forth- to show- to sing out- to stage- to strike- to strike- to throw- to throw out- to throw up- to toss- to utter- to yield- to deal- to perform- to pitch- to strike- to quote- to return- to give- to provide- to deliver- to administer- to ruin- to spoil- to face- to flow into- to go into- to lead to- to give on to- to hit
Context examples for "dar salida a" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Hoy, la situación se ha invertido, Europa tiene el problema de dar salida a sus excedentes.
Today the situation is reversed, Europe has the problem of disposing of its surpluses.
Europa tiene que dar salida a las expectativas que tienen puestas en nosotros los europeos.
Europe must provide an outlet for the expectations that the European people have placed on us.
El sector agrícola contempla la producción y venta de fuentes de energía renovables como una vía prometedora para dar salida a sus productos.
The production and sale of renewable energy sources are regarded as a promising new market in agriculture.
El Consejo más bien debería haberse ocupado por una vez en serio del problema de dar salida a los recursos de los Fondos estructurales.
The Council should instead have taken a serious look at the problem of where our Structural Fund expenditure is going.
Por ello rechazo la propuesta de la Comisión de dar salida a las reservas de petróleo incluso si no existe una escasez física.
I therefore reject the Commission's proposal to facilitate the release of oil reserves, even where there is no physical shortage.
Sería deseable que el nuevo programa de ayuda a los más pobres sirviera igualmente para dar salida a las producciones comunitarias.
It would seem fitting that the new aid programme for the poorest would also serve as an outlet for European Community produce.
Para el 50% restante no hay obligación de etiquetado hasta 2003, lo que hace que tengamos tres años para dar salida a los excesos británicos.
For the remaining 50%, labelling is not compulsory until 2003, which means that we have three years to dispose of British surplus stocks.
Para el 50 % restante no hay obligación de etiquetado hasta 2003, lo que hace que tengamos tres años para dar salida a los excesos británicos.
For the remaining 50 %, labelling is not compulsory until 2003, which means that we have three years to dispose of British surplus stocks.
En conjunto, yo creo que las acciones ofrecerán a nuestros agricultores nuevas oportunidades de dar salida a sus productos y, por consiguiente, apoyo la propuesta de la Comisión.
Overall, I believe that the measures will unlock new sales potential for our farmers. I therefore support the Commission proposal.
Para dar salida a las enormes existencias de carne porcina es imprescindible aumentar las ayudas a la exportación, a fin de permitir colocar el excedente en los mercados mundiales.
To reduce the size of the pigmeat mountains we need a proper injection of aid for exports, so that surpluses can be shifted onto the global market.
Esa política de incentivos ha permitido la implantación y la consolidación de un tejido industrial armonioso, que permite dar salida a los excedentes de la producción local.
This incentive policy permitted the consolidation and implementation of an harmonious industrial fabric, enabling the surplus local production to be marketed.
La señora Wallis está en lo cierto cuando afirma que debe funcionar y eso significa que dichas comunidades necesitan dar salida a esos productos y presentarlos de un modo adecuado.
Diana Wallis is right in saying that has to work, and that means that products from those communities need to be on sale and need to be presented in an appropriate way.
Además, todas las ayudas de apoyo al mercado se han reducido masivamente y, actualmente, no existen ayudas de restitución a la exportación ni para dar salida a los productos -cero para ambas-.
In addition, all market support aids have been massively reduced and, at the moment, there are no export refunds and no disposal aid at all - zero for both of them.
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