
"alquiler de coches" in English

"alquiler de coches" in English
car hire{noun} [Brit.]
No obstante, es lo que parece ocurrir en la industria de alquiler de coches.
However, this does seem to happen in the car hire industry.
Por desgracia, según una sentencia del Tribunal de Justicia, no abarca el alquiler de coches.
Unfortunately, based on a ruling of the Court of Justice, this does not cover car hire.
Algunas de ellas podrían aplicarse al alquiler de coches.
Some of them could be relevant to car hire.
se dedica al alquiler de coches
he's in the car-rental business
alquiler de coches con chofer
chauffeur-driven car rental
alquiler de coches con chófer
chauffeur-driven car rental

Context examples for "alquiler de coches" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Por desgracia, según una sentencia del Tribunal de Justicia, no abarca el alquiler de coches.
Unfortunately, based on a ruling of the Court of Justice, this does not cover car hire.
No obstante, es lo que parece ocurrir en la industria de alquiler de coches.
However, this does seem to happen in the car hire industry.
Algunas de ellas podrían aplicarse al alquiler de coches.
Some of them could be relevant to car hire.
se dedica al alquiler de coches
he's in the car-rental business
se dedica al alquiler de coches
he's in the car-hire business
alquiler de coches sin chofer
drive-yourself cars for rent
alquiler de coches sin chófer
drive-yourself cars for rent
alquiler de coches con chofer
chauffeur-driven car rental
alquiler de coches con chófer
chauffeur-driven car rental
alquiler de coches sin chofer
self-drive cars for rent
alquiler de coches sin chófer
self-drive cars for rent
Tuvo que prescindir del alquiler de automóviles y se vio obligado a utilizar un sistema alternativo y la empresa de alquiler de coches no quiso participar.
He had lost out on car rental and was forced to use an alternative system, and the car hire company would not participate.
alquiler de coches
cars for rent
La Comisión conoce los problemas que experimentan los consumidores en relación con el alquiler de coches y tenemos una normativa que podría ayudar hasta cierto punto.
The Commission is aware of the problems experienced by consumers in connection with car hire and we have legislation that could help to a certain extent.
Así pues, se van a establecer nuevos criterios para las personas mayores en lo que respecta a los pactos de las políticas de los seguros, a la reserva de vacaciones y al alquiler de coches.
Thus, new criteria are to be laid down for older people in connection with concluding insurance policies, booking holidays and hiring cars.
El motivo de excluir el alquiler de coches de nuestras directivas es que se considera un asunto de transporte y por tanto ha de tratarse específicamente en el marco de esta legislación.
The reason for the exclusion of car hire from our directives is that it is considered to be a transport issue, therefore it has to be dealt with specifically under that legislation.