
"on the way back" in Spanish

"on the way back" in Spanish
de vuelta{adv.}
There are refugees who must find their way back home.
Hay refugiados que deben encontrar su camino de vuelta a casa.
Once there they buy two big cases of vodka and drink themselves into a stupor on their way back.
Una vez allí, compran dos grandes cajas de vodka y beben hasta el estupor en su camino de vuelta.
This would allow the United States and Great Britain to slowly find their way back to the UN.
Esto permitiría a los Estados Unidos y a Gran Bretaña encontrar lentamente el camino de vuelta a las Naciones Unidas.

Context examples for "on the way back" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
We have had to implement this regulation since 1 June, and there is no way back.
Hemos tenido que aplicar este Reglamento desde el 1 de junio y no habrá marcha atrás.
we experience the defeat inflicted by sin he shows us the way back to his
y cada vez que experimentamos la derrota del pecado nos indica el camino
The common theme that stretches all the way back to the first Lomé Convention was trade.
El tema común que se remonta al primer Convenio de Lomé era el comercio.
So said Thomas Mann, way back in 1902 and his words still hold true today.
Las palabras que Thomas Mann pronunció en 1902 siguen teniendo la misma vigencia de entonces.
Some 70% of monies wrongly paid out have never found their way back to the EU budget.
Alrededor del 70% del dinero pagado indebidamente nunca ha regresado al presupuesto de la UE.
Even more important is the fact that an execution is irreversible; there is no way back.
Todavía más relevante es el hecho de que una ejecución es irreversible, no hay vuelta atrás.
Surely we should now be in a position to find our way back to these criteria and agree on them.
Debemos intentar orientarnos de nuevo hacia estos criterios y alcanzarlos.
I am very pleased that I made it all the way back from Kiev in order to do so.
Me complace enormemente haber regresado de Kiev para hacerlo.
Unfortunately he was able to escape from prison and make his way back to Portugal.
Lamentablemente, logró huir de la cárcel y llegar a Portugal.
Some 70 % of monies wrongly paid out have never found their way back to the EU budget.
Nos corresponde a nosotros como Unión Europea desarrollar estrategias apropiadas que lo impidan.
Cutting expenses hurts, but remains the only way back to growth and stability.
Recortar gastos duele, pero sigue siendo la única forma de regresar al crecimiento y la estabilidad.
We are talking about a date that is now way back in history: 70 years have passed since 18 July 1936.
Es una fecha ya lejana en la Historia: 70 años nos separan del 18 de julio de 1936.
Once there they buy two big cases of vodka and drink themselves into a stupor on their way back.
Una vez allí, compran dos grandes cajas de vodka y beben hasta el estupor en su camino de vuelta.
you were young once yourself — that's thinking a long way back!
tú también fuiste joven — ¡te estás remontando al pasado remoto!
The Serbs must realise, however, that there is no way back to the situation as it stood prior to 1999.
Sin embargo, los serbios han de comprender que es imposible volver a la situación anterior a 1999.
We had that debate way back in the early 1990s under Ray MacSharry and we are not returning to it.
Ya sostuvimos este debate a comienzos de los años noventa con Ray MacSharry y no vamos a volver a hacerlo.
There is no way back for Kosovo within Serbia's borders.
No hay vuelta atrás para Kosovo en las fronteras de Serbia.
There are refugees who must find their way back home.
Hay refugiados que deben encontrar su camino de vuelta a casa.
This would allow the United States and Great Britain to slowly find their way back to the UN.
Esto permitiría a los Estados Unidos y a Gran Bretaña encontrar lentamente el camino de vuelta a las Naciones Unidas.
This is not the sign the EU wants to give to a country which is struggling to find a way back to peace.
Y esta no es la señal que la UE desea enviar a un país que lucha por encontrar un camino de retorno a la paz.