
"migajas de pan" in English

"migajas de pan" in English
migajas de pan{only plural}
A los niños con intolerancia al gluten les cuesta trabajo entender por qué tienen que comer migajas de pan cuando otros niños comen panes que no se desmigajan.
These children have difficulty understanding why they should have to eat breadcrumbs when other children eat whole bread that does not crumble into pieces.

Context examples for "migajas de pan" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Se les concede unas migajas de pan con las que no pueden realizar controles.
They have to live on crumbs, with which they cannot carry out any controls.
A los niños con intolerancia al gluten les cuesta trabajo entender por qué tienen que comer migajas de pan cuando otros niños comen panes que no se desmigajan.
These children have difficulty understanding why they should have to eat breadcrumbs when other children eat whole bread that does not crumble into pieces.