
"descartarse de" in English

"descartarse de" in English
to discard{v.t.} (in card games)

Context examples for "descartarse de" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Ahora que han dimitido, debería descartarse la posibilidad de que algunos Comisarios vuelvan a ocupar sus cargos.
Now that they have resigned there should be no question of some Commissioners returning to their posts.
No se observaron efectos adversos estadísticamente significativos, pero no puede descartarse la posibilidad de una mayor mortalidad temprana.
No statistically significant adverse effects were noted but the possibility of increased early mortality cannot be discounted.
Es decir, no puede descartarse la amenaza de una intervención militar de la OTAN, y eso ha dado lugar a la firma del acuerdo.
After all, the threat of a NATO military attack remains, and in fact that alone led to the agreement. I believe we must keep up this political pressure.
descartarse de algo
to throw sth away
Al parecer considera saldado el asunto y nada indica que pueda descartarse una repetición de tales irregularidades en el futuro.
It evidently considers the matter closed, but there is nothing to suggest that such irregularities cannot recur at a future date within the Economic and Social Committee.
Debido a la metodología débil como el uso de métodos inadecuados de asignación al azar y evaluación de resultados, no puede descartarse la posibilidad de un sesgo grave.
Because of weak methodology such as using inadequate methods of randomisation and outcome assessment, the possibility of serious bias cannot be ruled out.
Por lo tanto, coincido plenamente en que debemos pensar detenidamente sobre si estos sistemas intervencionistas pueden descartarse, o si pueden, de hecho, utilizarse para regular el mercado.
So I agree entirely that we need to think through whether these interventionist systems can be discarded, or whether they can, in fact, be used to regulate the market.
En efecto, no puede descartarse que la decisión de conceder preferencias comerciales autónomas a Pakistán tras las inundaciones no vaya a ir seguida de otras iniciativas similares en el futuro.
Indeed, it cannot be excluded that the decision to grant autonomous trade preferences for flood-stricken Pakistan may be followed by other similar initiatives in the future.