
"de rayas" in English

"de rayas" in English
de rayas{adjective}
candy-striped{adj.} (of material)
striped{adj.} (carpet, cloth)

Context examples for "de rayas" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
De lo contrario, durante la próxima semana veremos las rayas de fallecimientos causados por la huelga de hambre que se viene manteniendo desde hace meses.
Otherwise, we shall see a succession of fatalities next week, for the hunger strike has been going on for months.
Entretanto he recibido ejemplares defectuosos de otros colegas y aquí hay 63 ejemplares defectuosos de la resolución sobre Kazajstán que solamente constan de rayas.
Since making that point before, I have received faulty copies from other Members, and I now have this pile of 63 faulty copies of the Kazakhstan resolution, each comprising only straight lines.