
"ciudadano de honor" in English

"ciudadano de honor" in English
freeman{noun} (of city)
Quiero dar las gracias a Helmut Kohl, el antiguo canciller de la República Federal Alemana, ciudadano de honor europeo.
I want to thank Helmut Kohl, former Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany and freeman of Europe.
El ciudadano de honor europeo, el anterior Canciller Federal Helmut Kohl, se manifestó apasionadamente a favor de la adhesión de los estados centroeuropeos a la Unión Europea.
A few days ago in Budapest, the freeman of Europe, the former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, spoke passionately in favour of the central European States becoming Members of the European Union.

Context examples for "ciudadano de honor" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Helmut Kohl, ciudadano de honor de la Unión Europea, dijo en una ocasión: "No tenemos mucho tiempo.
Helmut Kohl, honorary citizen of the European Union, once said, 'We do not have much time.
Por eso, nuestro partido se congratula especialmente con la decisión de proclamar a Helmut Kohl «ciudadano de honor europeo» y concederle el mismo papel histórico que a Jean Monnet.
Consequently our group is particularly pleased by the decision to confer on Helmut Kohl the title of 'Honorary Citizen of Europe' and acknowledge his place in history as equal to that of Jean Monnet.