
"called out" in Spanish

"called out" in Spanish
called out{past participle}
called out{past participle}
avisado{adj. m} (reprendido)
avisada{adj. f} (reprendida)

Context examples for "called out" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The agrimonetary measures will therefore continue for the so-called "out' countries.
Las medidas agromonetarias persistirán, por lo tanto, para los llamados países "out» .
context in which the Church would be called upon to carry out her mission, they
futuro e intentaban discernir el contexto en el que la Iglesia estaría
The agrimonetary measures will therefore continue for the so-called " out ' countries.
Las medidas agromonetarias persistirán, por lo tanto, para los llamados países " out».
And they called out to each other in the morning (unaware of what had happened),
Y temprano por la mañana se llamaban unos a otros:
Last February, I received 60 Copts here and they called out for help.
El pasado febrero, recibí a 60 coptos aquí y pidieron ayuda.
I am making a choice, and I favour the so-called 'opt-out' system.
Yo sí la hago y estoy a favor del llamado sistema «opting-out».
I am making a choice, and I favour the so-called 'opt-out'system.
Yo sí la hago y estoy a favor del llamado sistema« opting-out».
those called “to carry out their function in countries with a certain
todavía en vías de desarrollo », llamados a «
In fact, you called out to vote on the original paragraph.
Es más, usted anunció la votación del apartado original.
In its budget guidelines for the year 2000, Parliament called for the phasing out of the agencies.
En sus orientaciones presupuestarias para el año 2000, el Parlamento pedía que éstas se eliminaran progresivamente.
In the UK is called 'It's a Knock-Out'.
En el Reino Unido, a se le denomina «¡Es una maravilla!».
It could also be called a look-out post or a watch-tower.
Podríamos llamarlo torre de vigilancia.
And We called out to him saying, "O Abraham!
le llamamos: “¡Oh Abraham,
What we really need - and this has been pointed out and called for on several occasions - is a European Year against Violence.
Lo que de verdad se necesita ?algo que ya han señalado y solicitado en varias ocasiones? es un Año europeo contra la violencia.
What we really need - and this has been pointed out and called for on several occasions - is a European Year against Violence.
Lo que de verdad se necesita? algo que ya han señalado y solicitado en varias ocasiones? es un Año europeo contra la violencia.
If one really were in favour of unlimited tax competition, why would one want to iron out so-called harmful tax measures?
Si estuviéramos realmente a favor de la competencia fiscal ilimitada, ¿para qué íbamos a suprimir las llamadas medidas fiscales perjudiciales?
For several years, our House has been itching to fund so-called ‘European’ political parties out of the public purse.
En efecto, desde hace varios años, nuestra Asamblea desea ardientemente financiar a los partidos políticos denominados «europeos» con fondos públicos.
The Commission was then called upon to carry out a study on the safety of passengers travelling in side-facing seats.
Entonces se pidió a la Comisión que llevara a cabo un estudio sobre la seguridad de los pasajeros transportados en asientos orientados hacia los lados.
Madam President, I should like first to apologise to the Commissioner for having been called out of the Chamber while he was speaking.
Señora Presidenta, en primer lugar quiero pedir disculpas al Sr. Comisario por haber tenido que abandonar la Cámara durante su discurso.
The southern countries are afraid of missing the EMU boat, and Mr Zalm, as someone has already pointed out, called their fears hysterical.
Los países meridionales temen perder el tren de la UEM y el ministro Zalm -como ya se ha dicho aquí- calificó este miedo de histérico.