
"cantar" in English

el Cantar de los Cantares, el Cantar de Salomón
the Song of Songs, the Song of Solomon
Señor Presidente, yo también quiero lanzar un cierto canto de cisne.
Mr President, I too should like to sing a form of swan song.
con María el Magnificat, su "canto de alabanza",
"Song of Praise", once again confirming that it is impossible to
cantar de gesta
epic poem
Con este concierto, descubra también la música de `ûd, el laúd árabe, que acompaña los poemas cantados al ritmo única de los tambores y chasquidos de las manos.
With this concert, you will also find out the music of `ûd, the Arab lute that accompanies the poems which are sung to the rhythm of drums and hand clasps.
to cough[coughed · coughed] {v.i.} [Brit.] [slg.] (confess)
to cough up {vb} [Brit.] [slg.] (confess)
to give[gave · given] {v.i.} [slg.] (to divulge information)
He tenido el placer de escucharla cantar en varias ocasiones.
I have been fortunate enough to hear you sing on several occasions.
Ahora mismo, me gustaría cantar la Marsellesa, pero quizás sea suficiente decir «¡Viva Francia!».
Right now, I would rather like to sing the 'Marseillaise', but perhaps it will be sufficient for me to say, ''
Cantadle un cántico nuevo, * cantad al Señor toda la tierra.
Sing a new song to Him * Sing to the Lord all the earth.
to sing out {vb} (person, choir)
to perform[performed · performed] {v.i.} [mus.] (singer)
Sin ir más lejos, la semana pasada el gobierno aprobó una ley que impide a las mujeres cantar en la radio.
Only last week, for example, the government passed a law stating that women would not be allowed to perform music on the radio.
Lo harán con la canción "Party for everybody", un tema ethno-pop escrito por ellas mismas y cantado en lengua udmurta.
The band performs most of their entries in their Udmurt language, and tonight they sang Party For Everybody.
to perform[performed · performed] {v.t.} [mus.] (aria)
Sin ir más lejos, la semana pasada el gobierno aprobó una ley que impide a las mujeres cantar en la radio.
Only last week, for example, the government passed a law stating that women would not be allowed to perform music on the radio.
Lo harán con la canción "Party for everybody", un tema ethno-pop escrito por ellas mismas y cantado en lengua udmurta.
The band performs most of their entries in their Udmurt language, and tonight they sang Party For Everybody.
to sing of {vb} [poet.]
He tenido el placer de escucharla cantar en varias ocasiones.
I have been fortunate enough to hear you sing on several occasions.
Ahora mismo, me gustaría cantar la Marsellesa, pero quizás sea suficiente decir «¡Viva Francia!».
Right now, I would rather like to sing the 'Marseillaise', but perhaps it will be sufficient for me to say, ''
Cantadle un cántico nuevo, * cantad al Señor toda la tierra.
Sing a new song to Him * Sing to the Lord all the earth.
cantar(also: sapear)
to squeal {v.i.} [coll.] (inform)
to hum[hummed · hummed] {v.i.} [Brit.] [coll.] (stink)
cantar[cantando · cantado] {transitive verb}
No hay que ceder al canto de sirenas que trata de enfrentarnos unos a otros cuando abordamos el tema del empleo en esta Cámara.
We must not heed the siren's call that tries to set us in opposition to each other whenever we discuss employment in this Chamber.
Quisiera pedirle que, mientras cabalga hacia el crepúsculo, no cante« I am a poor, lonesome cowboy», sino que aproveche la oportunidad de cantar el tango para la ocasión.
Two weeks ago I had the opportunity to tell him what a great honour and privilege it has been to work with him.
cantar[cantando · cantado] {intransitive verb}
Permítame la licencia de decirle que parece una hormiguita laboriosa, que llega a los resultados poco a poco frente a las cigarras que cantan y ocian en los Estados miembros.
If you do not mind me saying, you are like a hard-working ant, who achieves results little by little while the grasshoppers chirrup and laze around in the Member States.
Considero que hemos dado algunos pasos esenciales en la buena dirección aunque no debemos cantar victoria, ya que no hemos logrado todos los resultados que queríamos alcanzar.
I think that we have taken a number of essential steps in the right direction without crowing about it, but also without achieving the results we want to achieve.
cantar al hablar
to talk in a singsong
Señora Swinburne, está muy bien hablar de voces que cantan en armonía, pero usted sabe perfectamente que eso no funciona así.
Mrs Swinburne, it is all well and good talking about voices singing in harmony, but you know very well that it does not work like that.
cantar(also: jumar)
to stink[stank · stunk] {vb} [coll.]

Context examples for "cantar" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Se trata de su vanidad, y ése es otro cantar.
It also has to do with human vanity, and this is quite a different matter.
He tenido el placer de escucharla cantar en varias ocasiones.
I have been fortunate enough to hear you sing on several occasions.
una vez que tengas el permiso de trabajo, el resto es coser y cantar
once you've got a work permit, you're laughing
Ahora mismo, me gustaría cantar la Marsellesa, pero quizás sea suficiente decir «¡Viva Francia!».
Right now, I would rather like to sing the 'Marseillaise', but perhaps it will be sufficient for me to say, ''
No se trata de la paz y es prematuro cantar victoria.
It is not peace, and it is premature to cry victory.
para los demócratas las elecciones van a ser coser y cantar
the election is a shoo-in for the Democrats
No debemos cantar victoria antes de tiempo.
We must not count our chickens before they are hatched.
Señor Poignant: escucharle cantar la Marsellesa o incluso el himno europeo sería sin duda todo un placer.
Mr Poignant, listening to you singing the Marseillaise or even the European anthem would certainly be a great pleasure.
Por tanto, de momento no es como coser y cantar.
So, it is far from plain sailing for the moment.
Me temo que aún no podemos cantar victoria.
I do not believe that we are out of the woods yet.
No será, sin embargo, una cuestión de coser y cantar.
It will not, however, be an easy matter.
Corra a la Casa de los Culturas del Mundo a escuchar estas voces espléndidas cantar la antigua pesca de la perla.
Run to the House of World Cultures to listen to these splendid voices while singing the ancient fishing of the pearls.
Sin ir más lejos, la semana pasada el gobierno aprobó una ley que impide a las mujeres cantar en la radio.
Only last week, for example, the government passed a law stating that women would not be allowed to perform music on the radio.
el Cantar de los Cantares, el Cantar de Salomón
the Song of Songs, the Song of Solomon
Por último, para concluir, añadiría, siguiendo al ponente, que conviene ser precavido antes de cantar victoria.
In conclusion, and following the example of the rapporteur, I will add that we should be careful before announcing our victory.
cantar victoria antes de tiempo
to count one's chickens before they are hatched
No cantar victoria antes de tiempo
Don't count your chickens before they hatch
Sin dinero, sin embargo, no se puede cantar misa.
Everything has its price.
se las voy a cantar bien claras
he'll get the rough edge of my tongue
oigo cantar un ruiseñor
hark! I hear a nightingale singing