
"to make light of" in Spanish

"to make light of" in Spanish
minimizar{v.t.} (quitar importancia)
Comments have been made, not only in this House, in an attempt to reduce and make light of what our government, our country and our people have had to face.
Se han oído comentarios, no solo en esta Cámara, que intentan reducir y minimizar aquello a lo que nuestro Gobierno, nuestro país y nuestro pueblo han debido hacer frente.

Context examples for "to make light of" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The political leaders of Serbia make light of and play down the tense situation that has developed.
Los dirigentes políticos de Serbia restan importancia a la tensa situación que se ha creado.
many hands make light work
el trabajo compartido es más llevadero
MrPresident, I think that the right-of-centre Members of the Chamber are trying to make light of a generally serious matter.
Señor Presidente, creo que los diputados de centro-derecha a esta Cámara están intentando trivializar un asunto generalmente serio.
It is a question, at the end of the day, of saving the financial hooligans who make light of the efforts of market regulators.
En definitiva, se trata de salvar a unos gamberros financieros que se burlan de los esfuerzos que hacen las autoridades reguladoras de los mercados.
The Commission tries to make light of this by pointing out that a legal basis was adopted in 1995 with retrospective effect, so that the ECU 170 m in question were legalized retrospectively.
La Comisión se desentiende con demasiada facilidad, al aducir que en 1995 se aprobó un fundamento legal con efecto retroactivo con el cual ahora se han legalizado 170 millones de ecus.
Ialso agree that certain countries, and in particular the governments of certain countries, are attempting to make light of the problem of poverty, as if it were asymptom of personal failure.
Y estoy de acuerdo en que determinados países, y en particular los Gobiernos de determinados países, intentan disimular el problema de la pobreza como si fuera un síntoma de fracaso personal.