
"never give up!" in Spanish

"never give up!" in Spanish
never give up!
nunca te rindas

Context examples for "never give up!" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
In order for it to take place intelligently, we must never give up on the serious nature of the budget.
Para que se realice de forma inteligente, nunca debemos abandonar la importante naturaleza del presupuesto.
You must never, never give up on this one.
No debe usted nunca, nunca, darse por vencida en esto.
In order to convince the Council and all of my colleagues to never give up on this issue, allow me to tell you a short anecdote.
Para convencer al Consejo y a todos mis colegas de que nunca deben ceder en este terreno, permítanme mencionar una pequeña anécdota.
It is time that all the countries, the EU partners, understood that there are some things that the EU would never give up and would never abandon.
Es hora que todo los países, los socios de la UE, entiendan que hay algunas cosas en las que la UE nunca cedería ni abandonaría.
never give up!
nunca te rindas
(FR) Mr President, it is now 18 June and as a Frenchman I am consumed with the call from London: resist, continue, persevere and never give up.
(FR) Señor Presidente, hoy es 18 de junio, y como francés sigo con pasión la llamada de Londres: resistir, continuar, perseverar y no rendirse jamás.
However, when we arrived in Copenhagen, it faltered, failing to define or defend the goals that it had stated here, and which it said that it would never give up.
Sin embargo, cuando llegamos a Copenhague flaqueó al no definir o defender los objetivos que había declarado aquí y de los que dijo que nunca cedería.
Commissioner, after almost 20 years in Parliament, for once I congratulate the Commission, which proves that you should never give up hope about anything.
Señora Comisaria, en los casi veinte años que llevo en el Parlamento, por una vez felicito a la Comisión, lo que demuestra que nunca hay que perder la esperanza.
The fact that you are with us today is a testimony to the fact that courageous people never give up hope in the fight for freedom and human dignity.
El hecho de tenerla hoy con nosotros es testimonio de que las personas valientes no pierden nunca la esperanza en la lucha por la libertad y por la dignidad de las personas.
We must not tire in our efforts and must never give up on promoting the Sakharov initiative until, as we have requested and as is his right, Oswaldo Payá is able to come here and speak to us.
Durante décadas, esta Cámara ha luchado por la libertad, los derechos humanos y el derecho de los pueblos a la autodeterminación en Europa Central y del Este.
We must not tire in our efforts and must never give up on promoting the Sakharov initiative until, as we have requested and as is his right, Oswaldo Payá is able to come here and speak to us.
No debemos cejar en nuestros esfuerzos ni dejar de promover la iniciativa Sakharov, hasta que, como se ha solicitado y es su derecho, Oswaldo Payá pueda venir aquí a hablar con nosotros.