
"made to measure" in Spanish


Context examples for "made to measure" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
feel good' in an emotional world which is made to measure".(9)
de lo que « me hace sentirme bien » en un mundo afectivo hecho a medida ».(9)
Parking structures, dedicated structures, canopies, porches and greenhouses, also made to measure.
Aparcamientos, estructuras dedicadas, tejados, marquesinas e invernaderos, también a medida.
So can we not have cooperation which is made to measure?
Entonces, ¿no podrá ser una cooperación a medida?
So can we not have cooperation which is made to measure?
Entonces,¿no podrá ser una cooperación a medida?
it looks as if it was made to measure
te queda que ni a la medida
he wears made-to-measure shoes
usa zapatos a medida
made-to-measure modular furniture
muebles a medida
Fourthly, recruitment procedures must be reformed to prevent made-to-measure competitions which make nepotism and cronyism all too easy.
Cuarto, reformar los procedimientos de contratación a fin de evitar los concursos a medida, que facilitan el nepotismo y el favoritismo.
made to measure
confección a medida
As we have said many times, sustainable development requires a made-to-measure approach and all scientific work has to be appropriate for the reality.
Como hemos dicho muchas veces, el desarrollo sostenible supone un traje a medida y todo trabajo científico ha de adaptarse a la realidad.
It would bring the nightmare scenario of cloned and made-to-measure human beings that much closer.
Quien acepte el clonado terapéutico abre la caja de Pandora y la pesadilla del hombre clonado, del hombre a medida se aproxima.
For example, management and labour in a business can, through agreements, arrive at a special made-to-measure arrangement on information and consultation for that business.
Los interlocutores sociales de la empresa pueden adoptar por ejemplo una regulación a medida sobre la información y consulta de su empresa.
Every costume for each Cirque du Soleil show is made-to-measure, and most are original designs - conceived and created, from A-Z, at the Workshop.
Todos los trajes para los espectáculos del Cirque du Soleil se hacen a medida, y la mayoría son diseños originales, concebidos y creados, de principio a fin, en El Taller.
Secondly, the aid must not be spent exclusively on large-scale construction projects that are made to measure for companies that have good relations with the White House.
En segundo lugar, la ayuda no ha de destinarse exclusivamente a proyectos de construcción a gran escala confeccionados a la medida de empresas que mantengan buenas relaciones con la Casa Blanca.
It is possible to combat social exclusion through targeted, made-to-measure programmes with funding from the European Structural Funds, in particular the European Social Fund.
Se puede combatir la exclusión social por medio de programas puntuales, diseñados a medida, con financiación con cargo a los Fondos Estructurales Europeos, sobre todo el Fondo Social Europeo.
Mr President, Commissioner, ladies and gentlemen, the present allocation of competences between the EU and the Member States seems almost made to measure for populists of whatever stripe.
Señor Presidente, señor Comisario, queridos colegas, el actual reparto de competencias entre la Unión y los Estados miembros parece estar hecho a propósito para populistas de todo pelaje.