
"head start" in Spanish

"head start" in Spanish
For now, the criminals will continue to have a head start on the law enforcement agencies.
Porque ahora, los delincuentes seguirán teniendo ventaja sobre las fuerzas del orden.
The criminals have too much of a head start.
Los delincuentes cuentan con una ventaja demasiado notable.
she let him have a head start because he was out of condition
le dio ventaja porque no estaba en forma

Synonyms (English) for "head start":
Context examples for "head start" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Europe has a sizeable head start in public transport.
Europa ha dado un gran paso de avance en el ámbito del transporte público.
The US and Japan already have a head start. Therefore the EU cannot afford to be left behind.
Los Estados Unidos y el Japón han empezado ya y, por lo tanto, la Unión Europea no puede quedar rezagada.
The national Head Start test is stirring up controversy
El test nacional de Head Start levanta controversia
With the current tight labour market, give yourself a head start by gaining work experience while still completing your education.
La página que has seleccionado todavía no está disponible en este idioma.
she let him have a head start because he was out of condition
le dio ventaja porque no estaba en forma
head start program
programa de enseñanza preescolar para niños carenciados
Whether the local politicians on both sides in Mostar will build on this head start in the common interest, or whether they will throw it all away again, is now largely in their own hands.
Ahora depende en gran parte de los responsables políticos de ambas zonas de Mostar que estos progresos sirvan de base para continuar avanzando o vuelvan a dilapidarse.
I think it is likely, in my view, that it is not so much the law of the inhibitory head's start which will obtain, but rather what I would call the law of the innovation lag.
Esa posibilidad existe también porque a mi modo de ver -mi valoración en este caso- no contará tanto la ley del adelanto inhibidor, sino más bien lo que yo llamaría la ley del retraso innovador.