
"granada de mano" in English

"granada de mano" in English
granada de mano{feminine}
Pude comprobar personalmente que la granada de mano iba dirigida sin lugar a dudas contra József Kasza.
I was able to ascertain in person that the hand-grenade had indeed been intended for József Kasza.

Context examples for "granada de mano" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Pude comprobar personalmente que la granada de mano iba dirigida sin lugar a dudas contra József Kasza.
I was able to ascertain in person that the hand-grenade had indeed been intended for József Kasza.
Pude comprobar personalmente que la granada de mano iba dirigida sin lugar a dudas contra József Kasza.
Following the news of the attempted bomb attack on the president of the Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians, József Kasza, I went to visit the scene last week.