
"de vida sana" in English

"de vida sana" in English
de vida sana{adjective}
clean-living{adj.} (person)

Context examples for "de vida sana" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Entenderán que para nosotros es un gran logro que los años de vida sana queden incluidos como un indicador y tal era el propósito.
You realise that for us it is a big achievement to have the healthy life years included as an indicator and this was the purpose.
En el considerando 14 hablamos de aumentar el número de años de vida sana y queremos que se supriman las palabras "también llamado indicador de esperanza de vida sin discapacidad".
In recital 14 we talk about increasing healthy life years, and we want to delete the words 'also called disability-free life expectancy indicator'.
Por último, las mujeres necesitan información sobre la prevención del cáncer de mama, necesitan consejos en materia de vida sana y de seguridad alimentaria, y no deben temer el chequeo.
Finally, women need information regarding the prevention of breast cancer: they need advice on healthy living and food safety, and must not be afraid of screening.