"carecer de" in English
"carecer de" in English
carecer de(also: no tener)
Por todo ello, ha resultado que la solidaridad en la UE parece carecer de solidaridad.
It has therefore turned out that solidarity in the EU looks likely to lack solidarity.
También pueden carecer de aptitudes para suministrar información de manera efectiva.
They may also lack the skills to give information effectively.
El inconveniente de la sostenibilidad es que un concepto muy general que también puede carecer de contenido.
The disadvantage of sustainability is that it is a very general concept that can also lack substance.
no volverán a carecer de nada
they will never want again
Similar translations for "carecer de" in English
to allot- to hand over- to accord- to accord- to advance- to allow- to assign- to award- to bear- to blow- to bring forth- to deal- to dish out- to dispense- to dispense- to dole out- to earn- to get in- to give out- to give out- to hand out- to hold- to hold out- to impart- to issue- to lay on- to pass on- to pitch- to play- to produce- to produce- to proffer- to put on- to quote- to render- to send forth- to show- to sing out- to stage- to strike- to strike- to throw- to throw out- to throw up- to toss- to utter- to yield- to deal- to perform- to pitch- to strike- to quote- to return- to give- to provide- to deliver- to administer- to ruin- to spoil- to face- to flow into- to go into- to lead to- to give on to- to hit
Context examples for "carecer de" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Pero todos han dicho que es mejor contar con una regulación que carecer de ella.
They all said, however, that some kind of regulation is better than none.
Por todo ello, ha resultado que la solidaridad en la UE parece carecer de solidaridad.
It has therefore turned out that solidarity in the EU looks likely to lack solidarity.
Las rúbricas presupuestarias que parecen carecer de financiación son fáciles de detectar.
The budget headings which appear to be under-financed are easy to detect.
También pueden carecer de aptitudes para suministrar información de manera efectiva.
They may also lack the skills to give information effectively.
Al carecer de un presupuesto autónomo, la Agencia está integrada de facto en la Comisión.
In the absence of an autonomous budget, the Agency is de facto integrated into the Commission.
Por otra parte, un enrutador extremadamente básico puede carecer de algunas características deseables.
On the other hand, an extremely basic router might be lacking some desirable features.
Disponer de conocimientos y carecer de escrúpulos es un escenario de una película de horror.
Knowledge without conscience is a horrific scenario!
A lo largo de su presidencia, la Comisión ha demostrado carecer de capacidad y autoridad.
Throughout the years of your presidency, the Commission has shown itself to be incapable and lacking in autonomy.
Pero fracasamos en nuestro intento, por nuestra desunión política y por carecer de presencia militar.
We failed, though, in our attempt to do so, being politically disunited and lacking any military presence.
El inconveniente de la sostenibilidad es que un concepto muy general que también puede carecer de contenido.
The disadvantage of sustainability is that it is a very general concept that can also lack substance.
A menudo acusamos a la gente -a nuestros propios ciudadanos- de carecer de voluntad y valor para asumir riesgos.
We often accuse people - our own citizens - of lacking the willingness and courage to take risks.
rechazó sus conclusiones tachándolas de carecer de rigor científico
she dismissed their findings as unscientific
Haberlo incluido por carecer ahora de contenido, no fomenta la imagen de un Parlamento serio.
Including it when there is nothing much of substance in it does nothing to enhance our image as a serious parliament.
El discurso pronunciado ayer por George Bush volvió a ser extremadamente arrogante y a carecer de fundamentos reales.
Yesterday's speech by George Bush was once again extremely arrogant and without any real foundation.
Un exceso de información equivale a carecer de ella.
Too much information is equal to no information.
Según las estadísticas sobre reclusas, su nivel de educación suele ser bajo, y suelen carecer de aptitudes profesionales.
Statistics on female prisoners suggest a generally low level of education and a lack of vocational skills.
No me imagino que el diálogo mutuo que mantenemos cada día debiera carecer de los valores que defendemos.
I do not imagine that the mutual dialogue which we conduct with each other every day should be devoid of the values which we hold.
El ponente opina, no obstante, que la directiva propuesta es preferible a carecer de disposiciones jurídicas en el sector.
The rapporteur stated that the resolution is better than being completely without legal regulations in this area.
Entonces la Presidencia británica se caracterizó por una actitud vacilante y por carecer de rumbo, determinación y lucidez.
Then the British Presidency was characterized by drift and vacillation, by lack of purpose and absence of vision.
No tiene sentido tener una unión monetaria por un lado y carecer de una unión económica, social y política por el otro.
It is nonsense to have monetary union on the one hand and not to have an economic and social and political union on the other.
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