
"to be very pleased at" in Spanish

"to be very pleased at" in Spanish
celebrar{vb} [form.]
Mr President, I was very pleased with the vote today.
(EN) Señor Presidente, me ha alegrado mucho la votación que se ha celebrado hoy.
I am very pleased with the remarks made by the President of the Commission in this respect.
Celebro las palabras del señor Presidente de la Comisión en este sentido.
Mr President, I am very pleased about this initiative from the Commission.
Señor Presidente, celebro mucho esta iniciativa de la Comisión.

Context examples for "to be very pleased at" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
They were all very pleased with the progress achieved during the negotiations.
En general estaban muy contentos por los avances logrados en las negociaciones.
I am very pleased that a number of the outstanding issues have been resolved.
Todos tenemos presente la cuestión de la compatibilidad con la Directiva REACH.
Should this situation change, I would be very pleased to reconsider this point.
Si esta situación cambiara, yo estaría encantado de reconsiderar este punto.
I am therefore very pleased that we have adopted this report by a large majority.
Por tanto, me alegra que hayamos aprobado este informe por una gran mayoría.
I am very pleased that the Taoiseach is addressing today's plenary session.
(EN) Me complace mucho que el Taoiseach intervenga en la sesión plenaria de hoy.
I am very pleased that, as you mentioned, there has been cooperation with Europol.
Me complace en gran manera que, como ha dicho, haya habido cooperación con Europol.
I am very pleased that in my country the CBI has backed Mrs Wallis ' approach.
Me siento muy satisfecha de que la CBI haya respaldado el enfoque de la Sra.
I am very pleased that Commissioner Benita Ferrero-Waldner is also with us today.
Me complace que la Comisaria Ferrero-Waldner esté también hoy con nosotros.
To conclude, the Commission is very pleased with the outcome of the negotiations.
Para terminar, la Comisión está muy satisfecha con el resultado de las negociaciones.
I am very pleased with this support for the second cycle of the Lisbon Strategy.
Me complace constatar el apoyo que recibe el segundo ciclo de la Estrategia de Lisboa.
We are therefore very pleased and very grateful that it has now got to this stage.
Por lo tanto, nos complace y agradecemos que haya llegado ahora a esta fase.
I am therefore very pleased to be given the chance to contribute to this debate.
Por lo tanto me complace que se me conceda la oportunidad de contribuir a este debate.
However, having said that, I am very pleased that we have reached an agreement.
No obstante, dicho esto, me alegra mucho que hayamos alcanzado un acuerdo.
I am very pleased by this and I hope that we will continue to discuss this issue.
Esto me satisface enormemente y espero que sigamos debatiendo este asunto.
In that respect, I am very pleased to see you, Madam Vice-President, here today.
A este respecto, me complace mucho verla hoy aquí, señora Vicepresidenta.
So all in all I am very pleased with the work we have carried out this morning.
Así pues, después de todo estoy satisfecho con el trabajo que hemos hecho esta mañana.
I am very pleased to see that the Presidency is able to be present after all.
Me complace enormemente ver que la Presidencia puede estar presente después de todo.
I must say I am very pleased at the vocational training element of ALTENER II.
He de decir que me complace mucho el elemento relativo a la formación de ALTERNER II.
I am very pleased with the result of that vote and to have taken part in it.
Estoy muy satisfecho del resultado de esta votación y de haber participado en ella.
I am very pleased about the widespread support in Parliament for enlargement.
Me alegra el amplio respaldo que la ampliación tiene aquí en el Parlamento.