
"to be deeply affected" in Spanish

"to be deeply affected" in Spanish

Context examples for "to be deeply affected" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
I should point out that the country's economic situation is deeply affected.
Quisiera señalar que la situación económica del país está profundamente afectada.
We are deeply affected by the extent of these disastrous floods.
Estamos muy conmovidos por la magnitud de esas desastrosas inundaciones.
Mr President, everyone is deeply affected by the suffering of the Kosovar Albanians.
Señor Presidente, a todos nos ha marcado dolorosamente el calvario de los kosovares de origen albanés.
Copenhagen is important because God's creation is highly vulnerable, and is deeply affected by man's actions.
Copenhague es importante porque la creación divina es altamente vulnerable y ha quedado muy afectada por las acciones humanas.
The cowardly terrorist attacks in Madrid deeply affected not just the Spanish nation but all of us in Europe.
Los cobardes atentados terroristas de Madrid afectaron hondamente no solo a la nación española, sino a todos nosotros en Europa.
. - It is true, of course, that international trade has been particularly deeply affected by the crisis.
Miembro de la Comisión. - Es cierto, obviamente, que el comercio internacional se ha visto particularmente afectado por la crisis.
We are all deeply affected by the bloody events in the Middle East, following which hopes of peace are fading.
Todos estamos profundamente conmovidos por los acontecimientos de Oriente Próximo, acontecimientos sangrientos que ven desvanecerse las esperanzas de paz.
We are all deeply affected by the bloody events in the Middle East, following which hopes of peace are fading.
. (FR) Todos estamos profundamente conmovidos por los acontecimientos de Oriente Próximo, acontecimientos sangrientos que ven desvanecerse las esperanzas de paz.
Mr President, Iraq is an issue by which we Europeans have for some time been deeply affected, and, moreover, divided.
Señor Presidente, la situación en Iraq es un tema que durante un tiempo ha afectado profundamente a los europeos y que, sobre todo, nos ha dividido.
EU institutions have a duty to meet the expectations of European citizens who are deeply affected by the crisis.
Las instituciones comunitarias tienen la obligación de cumplir con las expectativas de los ciudadanos europeos, quienes se han visto gravemente afectados por la crisis.
A small number of families were deeply affected by it, not enough for anyone to notice, but they will suffer serious consequences.
Un número pequeño de familias se vio profundamente afectado, no las suficientes como para que nadie lo advierta, pero que sufrirán graves consecuencias.
Mr President, a large number of Members of this Parliament and of its staff are deeply affected by the war and want to express their deep sympathy with the victims.
Señor Presidente, muchos diputados y trabajadores de esta Cámara se hallan sumamente afectados por la guerra y desean expresar su más sincero pésame para las víctimas.
(ES) Mr President, although the epicentre of the crisis is not located in the developing countries, they are the ones that have been seriously and deeply affected by its huge wave.
(ES) Señor Presidente, aunque el epicentro de la crisis no está en los países en desarrollo, éstos han resultado seria y profundamente afectados por su onda expansiva.
Moreover, I would add, Mr President, that I had the honour of leading Parliament's observation mission to Mauritania and I am naturally deeply affected by what has happened.
Añadiría, señor Presidente, que yo tuve el honor de dirigir la misión de observación del Parlamento que viajó a Mauritania y que, lógicamente, me he sentido muy afectado por lo sucedido.