
"espeso" in English

"espeso" in English
espeso{adjective masculine}
espesar{transitive verb}
espeso{adjective masculine}
Los fibras blancas espesas que contienen 95% de agua y que son deshidratadas hasta que la humedad sea inferior a 5%.
The resulting thick white fibers are dehydrated until humidity is less than 5%.
Espesas capas de espuma flotan sobre la superficie del río.
Thick foam floats on the surface of the river.
un espeso manto de nieve
a thick blanket of snow
bushy{adj.} (beard)
bushy{adj.} (undergrowth)
dense{adj.} (closely spaced)
dense{adj.} (thick)
espeso(also: tupido)
thickset{adj.} (forest, hedge)
No podemos permitir que la espesa niebla que cubre la totalidad de Europa ponga fin a la cooperación.
We cannot, however, put the whole of the EU in the deep-freeze and wait for the distrust felt by many towards the EU suddenly to disappear.
Desde una perspectiva de cordialidad y simpatía con los Parlamentos nacionales deja las cosas claras y tiende la mano a una colaboración espesa, sólida y sustancial.
From the point of view of cordiality and solidarity with the national parliaments it makes things very clear and lends support to deep, solid and substantial cooperation.
heavy{adj.} [coll.]

Context examples for "espeso" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
El informe del Presidente Napolitano aplica, sin citarlo, el refrán español que pide "las cosas claras y el chocolate espeso" .
Mr Napolitano' s report, as we would say in Spain, 'gets things straight' .
las cuentas claras y el chocolate espeso
short reckonings make long friends
las cosas claras y el chocolate espeso
I like to know where I stand
un espeso manto de nieve
a thick blanket of snow
¡no seas espeso!
don't be such a pain!
¡no seas espeso!
don't keep on!
hacer menos espeso
to thin down
Y aun cuando reconocemos que nuestra misión es delicada y dura, no por ello perdemos la alegría y el gozo que nos da el sabernos en compañía del espeso, de Cristo Señor.
Although our mission is both delicate and arduous, not for that reason should we lose our joy, for we are in good company with Christ the Lord.
En esos siete años fue maltratado, humillado, vejado por sus carceleros, en medio -hay que recordarlo- de un espeso silencio de la comunidad internacional.
During this seven-year period, he was mistreated, humiliated and harassed by his guards, during which time - we should not forget - there was nothing but silence from the international community.