
"idea original" in English

"idea original" in English

Context examples for "idea original" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
La idea original de elaborar planes financieros anuales parecía en exceso restrictiva.
The original idea of producing annual financial plans seemed excessively restrictive.
Por lo antedicho prefiero atenerme a la idea original de la Comisión en materia de comitología.
I therefore want to stick to the Commission's original idea on comitology.
La idea original de democracia y igualdad de derechos para todos se situaba en segundo lugar.
The original ideal of democracy and equal rights for all people was placed second to this.
Digo su flexibilidad porque la idea original no era celebrar este debate sobre orientaciones presupuestarias.
I say this because the original idea was not to hold this debate on budget guidelines.
La idea original de Michel Rocard merece toda nuestra atención.
Michel Rocard's original idea deserves our full attention.
La idea original que subyace a los comités es que aumentarían la legitimidad democrática de la Unión Europea.
The original idea behind the committees was that they would increase the EU’s democratic legitimacy.
No obstante, ahora parece que, por desgracia, ThyssenKrupp tiene intenciones de poner en práctica esa idea original.
Yet now it unfortunately appears that ThyssenKrupp intends to put its original ideas into practice.
Es una ironía que la idea original del marcado CE fuera la de ofrecer garantías en materia de seguridad.
It is a kind of irony, is it not, that the original idea of the CE marking was to give assurances about safety.
Por tanto, es poco probable que respaldemos las propuestas tal cual son, aunque respaldamos la idea original.
So it is unlikely that we will be supporting that proposal as it is, although we certainly support the idea in principle.
Suelen decirlo como si fuera una idea original, como si nadaran alrededor de ellas, ¿quién lo hubiera dicho?
They tend to tell you this as though it is an original insight - oh really, they swim around, well who would have thought it!
Por eso la idea original de combinar ambas agencias en una única Agencia de Derechos Fundamentales merece nuestro apoyo.
It follows that the original idea of combining the two agencies in one single Agency for Fundamental Rights deserves support.
El Presidente de la Comisión ha expresado claramente la opinión apoyada por la Comisión, y eso representa la idea original.
The President of the Commission has clearly expressed the view backed by the Commission, and this represents the original idea.
muy alejado de la idea original
far removed from the original idea
Por eso la idea original de combinar ambas agencias en una única Agencia de Derechos Fundamentales merece nuestro apoyo.
More action and more resources are needed to address equality issues in an effective way, but no provision is as yet being made for them.
También ha resurgido con fuerza la idea original de la tasa Tobin de utilizar un impuesto sobre las transacciones financieras para ayuda al desarrollo.
The original Tobin Tax idea of using a financial transaction tax for development aid has also strongly resurfaced.
Así, pues, un planteamiento positivo, constructivo, de la integración europea subyacía a la idea original y en ello estriba su valor añadido.
A positive, constructive approach to European integration, therefore, underlay the original idea, and therein lies its added value.
Lo cierto es que una libertad económica completa no será eficaz si no respetamos la propiedad de la persona que ha tenido la idea original.
The point is that complete economic freedom will not be effective if we fail to respect the property of the person who had the original idea.
Sin embargo, si nos fijamos en los resultados se puede constatar que la idea original de Sarkozy, formulada en febrero de 2007, ha fracasado en tres aspectos.
Looking at the outcomes, however, it is clear that Mr Sarkozy's original idea, launched in February 2007, has failed on three counts.
La idea original de la integración europea era derrumbar muros, no crearlos, y la Comisión en su análisis y su criba ha realizado un trabajo excelente.
The original idea of European integration was to bring down walls, not to create them, and the Commission in its analysis and screening did an excellent job.
Me gustaría recordarles que esta oficina nunca ha funcionado correctamente, en particular dado que la idea original de esta oficina procedía de las autoridades ejecutivas.
I would like to remind you that this bureau never has worked properly, particularly as the original idea for it came from the executive authorities.