
"de desdén" in English

"de desdén" in English
de desdén{adjective}
pitying{adj.} (contemptuous)

Context examples for "de desdén" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
se aparta con desdén [de la verdad] para extraviar [a otros] del camino de Dios.
And yet amongst men are those who wrangles about Allah without knowledge, without guidance, and without a Book of Enlightenment;
Nuestro punto de vista es que semejantes métodos de marketing de la UE destilan desdén por los europeos.
We would again state our view that such methods of marketing the EU are redolent of contempt for Europeans.
Por lo tanto, invito al Consejo a que las examine con mayor detención antes de descartarlas con desdén.
Consequently, before the Council waves them away with a flick of its somewhat disdainful hand, I invite it to take a closer look at them.
¿Se trata de desdén o qué?
Is it contempt, or what?
Nos parece que el Consejo de Ministros está demostrando desdén por el Parlamento al no tenerlo en cuenta, y este procedimiento ayuda además a aumentar los gastos de una forma poco lógica.
We think that the Council of Ministers shows contempt for Parliament by not taking account of this, because it causes expenditure to increase quite unreasonably.
Encontramos una muestra de este desdén por la democracia en las declaraciones de la comisaria Wallström, que siempre tiene tanto que decir sobre reducir la brecha entre Europa y el ciudadano.
An illustration of this disdain for democracy can be found in the statements of Commissioner Wallström, who always has so much to say about bridging the gap between Europe and the citizen.
Me parece que prorrogar el período de reflexión sobre la actual constitución constituye una muestra de desdén por los ciudadanos, y la campaña destinada a resucitarla es simplemente tirar el dinero.
I feel that extending the period of reflection on the current Constitution shows disdain for the citizens and the campaign to resurrect it is simply throwing their money down the drain.