
"committed supporter" in Spanish

"committed supporter" in Spanish

Context examples for "committed supporter" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
(HU) Mr President, I myself am a committed believer in and supporter of Romania's accession.
(HU) Señor Presidente, personalmente soy un firme partidario y fiel creyente en la adhesión de Rumanía.
The Council, at least this presidency of the Council, is a committed supporter of maximum openness.
El Consejo, por lo menos este Presidente del Consejo, es firme partidario de la máxima apertura.
I found him to be a very peaceful person and a committed supporter of democracy and human rights.
Me pareció una persona muy pacífica y un defensor comprometido de la democracia y los derechos humanos.
I thank Commissioner for being a committed supporter, together with the European Parliament, of making Council meetings public.
Doy las gracias a la señora Comisaria por apoyar de forma comprometida, junto con el Parlamento Europeo, la idea de que las reuniones del Consejo deben ser públicas.
I thank Commissioner for being a committed supporter, together with the European Parliament, of making Council meetings public.
Doy las gracias a la señora Comisaria por apoyar de forma comprometida, junto con el Parlamento Europeo, la idea de que las reuniones del Consejo deben ser públicas.