
"carefully done" in Spanish

"carefully done" in Spanish

Context examples for "carefully done" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
However, I repeat: this sort of thing has to be done very carefully and cautiously.
Pero insisto: este tipo de cosas se tiene que hacer con mucha prudencia y cautela.
There we need to look very carefully, as has been done in the debate.
Debemos analizar este aspecto con sumo cuidado, como se ha hecho en el debate.
I hope he will read the Verbatim Report carefully, and, having done so, will respond differently.
Espero que lea bien el Informe Completo y que así posiblemente responda de otra manera.
I think the role of the state is to correct market mechanisms, but this should be done very carefully.
Considero que el papel del Estado es corregir los mecanismos del mercado pero de manera muy escrupulosa.
I noticed very carefully how it was done.
Me he percatado de cómo lo han hecho.
The selection of organisations and projects must be done very carefully and must not be left to the Commission itself.
Hay que llevar a cabo la selección de organizaciones y proyectos con mucho esmero y no hay que dejarla en manos de la propia Comisión.