
"ahead of time" in Spanish

"ahead of time" in Spanish
Their closure several years ahead of time was not necessary; it was certainly not on safety grounds.
Su cierre varios años antes de tiempo no era necesario; no se debió realmente a motivos de seguridad.
the first stage was completed ahead of time
la primera fase se terminó antes de tiempo
I am not trying to accuse anyone ahead of time.
No pretendo acusar a nadie antes de tiempo.
The regulation provides for rewards in the form of credits for the best manufacturers which meet the goals for emissions standards ahead of time.
En cambio, ofrece compensaciones en forma de créditos a los mejores fabricantes que cumplan anticipadamente los objetivos establecidos en las normas de emisión de CO2.

Synonyms (English) for "ahead of time":
Similar translations for "ahead of time" in Spanish
Context examples for "ahead of time" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
It is only reasonable that the European Parliament should pay for its office space ahead of time.
Es sensato que el Parlamento pague por adelantado los costes de sus oficinas.
We are not carrying out an entrance examination ahead of time.
No estamos procediendo a un examen anticipado sobre la entrada.
The Council will therefore need to issue the text ahead of time in May, which is quite feasible.
El Consejo tendrá por tanto que presentar el texto antes de tiempo en mayo, lo que es bastante factible.
Their closure several years ahead of time was not necessary; it was certainly not on safety grounds.
Su cierre varios años antes de tiempo no era necesario; no se debió realmente a motivos de seguridad.
The biggest bills come at the end of multi-annual budgets and you know that, too, ahead of time.
Las facturas más grandes llegan al final de los presupuestos plurianuales y ustedes también saben eso con antelación.
Mr President, this is the first time that this Parliament has voted on a calendar so far ahead of time.
Señor Presidente, hasta el momento, esta es la primera vez que este Parlamento ha votado un calendario con tanta antelación.
I am not trying to accuse anyone ahead of time.
No pretendo acusar a nadie antes de tiempo.
the first stage was completed ahead of time
la primera fase se terminó antes de tiempo
This is that we are coming up with a proposed solution well ahead of time, creating conditions for modernity.
Se trata de que estamos presentando una propuesta de solución con mucha antelación, creando las condiciones para la modernidad.
I shall be reasonably indulgent because we are running ahead of time because of the excellent and short answers by Sir Leon.
Voy a ser bastante indulgente, porque, gracias a las excelentes y breves respuestas de Sir Leon, nos sobra tiempo.
they arrived ahead of time
llegaron antes de la hora
payments ahead of time
pagos por adelantado
I think it serves no purpose at all and no political purpose to jump the gun on this kind of issue two, three, four elections ahead of time.
Pienso que no favorece a ningún interés, ni siquiera a un interés político, anticiparse a dos, tres, cuatro elecciones en estas cuestiones.
we're ahead of time
vamos adelantados
Visitors could see for themselves that lorry manufacturers were able to satisfy the legal requirements of EURO III two years ahead of time.
Los visitantes pudieron convencerse de que los productores de camiones cumplen las normas de Euro III dos años antes de que sea legalmente obligatorio.
As I explained earlier, the sitting was suspended because Parliament's work was running ahead of time for the first time in this legislative period.
Como he explicado anteriormente, la sesión se ha suspendido porque el trabajo parlamentario iba adelantado por primera vez en esta legislatura.
ahead of time
antes de tiempo
And nobody is to come and tell me, as I replied to Mr Giansily earlier, that these predictions are an entrance examination ahead of time for the single currency.
Y que no me digan, como he contestado hace un momento al Sr. Giansily, que estas previsiones son un examen de paso anticipado a la moneda única.
Then we also have the new chapter on employment, which will be implemented ahead of time, and the strengthening of the social provisions of the Treaty.
Añádase a ello el nuevo capítulo sobre el empleo, que se aplicará con anticipación, y el fortalecimiento en el Tratado de las disposiciones en materia social.
Armed with the support of the Member States, you preferred to secure your appointment ahead of time and with fewer risks as regards the number of votes required.
Escudándose en el apoyo de los Estados miembros, prefirió asegurar su nombramiento antes de tiempo y corriendo menos riesgos con respecto al número de votos requeridos.