
"stage play" in Spanish

"stage play" in Spanish

Context examples for "stage play" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
At age six, he went on stage to play drums with his saxophonist father.
Serge inherited a great enthusiasm and a remarkable talent for music and occasionally sang professionally as a child.
In some parts of our region, for example, children learn the languages of our neighbours as early as the kindergarten stage through play.
En partes de nuestra región, por ejemplo, se aprenden las lenguas de nuestros vecinos en los jardines de infancia jugando con ellas.
If you connect a device to your computer that reportedly supports Device Stage (but only AutoPlay opens), check with the manufacturer of the device.
Si conecta al equipo un dispositivo que supuestamente admite Device Stage (pero solo se abre la reproducción automática), consulte con el fabricante del dispositivo.