
"safe and sound" in Spanish

"safe and sound" in Spanish
safe and sound{adjective}
católico{adj. m} [coll.]
safe and sound{adjective} [idiom]
sano y salvo{adj.} [idiom]
I am delighted that you have returned from Japan safe and sound.
Me alegra que haya regresado de Japón sano y salvo.
safe and sound
sano y salvo

Synonyms (English) for "safe and sound":
Context examples for "safe and sound" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
I am delighted that you have returned from Japan safe and sound.
Me alegra que haya regresado de Japón sano y salvo.
The headset has SafeTone technology, which cuts off loud noises and ensures a safe average sound level in the headset.
El microauricular tiene una tecnología SafeTone que recorta los sonidos muy fuertes y asegura un nivel de sonido medio seguro en los auriculares.
safe and sound
sano y salvo
Feedingstuffs are the basis of food safety and there must be certainty on the part of farmers so that consumers can be ensured of safe and sound food.
Los productos alimenticios representan la base de la seguridad alimentaria, para garantizar alimentos sanos a los consumidores debe existir una seguridad por parte de los granjeros.
We in the Council very much hope that, if this is confirmed, these people will be found safe and sound as quickly as possible, and we would stress that our thoughts are with them.
En el Consejo esperamos que, de confirmarse la noticia, esas personas sean encontradas sanas y salvas lo antes posible, y queremos insistir en que nuestro pensamiento está con ellas.
It is of course in everyone’s interest – farmers, animal welfare and the animals themselves – that animals should arrive at their destination safe and sound and in the best possible condition.
Por supuesto, en interés de todos –de los agricultores, el bienestar animal y los propios animales– los animales deben llegar a su destino sanos y salvos y en el mejor estado posible.