"incólume" in English
"incólume" in English
El sector de los fondos no ha salido incólume de la crisis financiera.
The fund industry has not escaped unscathed from the financial crisis.
Señor Comisario, tampoco quiero dejarle a usted totalmente incólume. También tengo que criticarle.
Commissioner, you too cannot escape totally unscathed here - I have some criticisms of you as well.
Context examples for "incólume" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
La labor destructiva de las guerrillas maoístas sigue incólume.
The destructive work of the Maoist guerrillas continues unabated.
Debemos al contribuyente una disciplina presupuestaria firme y una gestión financiera incólume.
We owe it to the tax payer to exercise strict budgetary discipline and healthy financial management.
Un mes más tarde, podemos observar que nada ha cambiado y que la intransigencia turca sigue incólume.
One month later, we can see that nothing has changed and that Turkish intransigence continues unabated.
El informe afirma que todo lo que estaba fuera de la Comisión cambió mientras ésta permanecía ciertamente incólume.
The report says that everything outside the Commission changed, whilst it remained largely untouched.
su dedicación a la causa se mantuvo incólume
they remained steadfast in their commitment to the cause
Apoyo en general los objetivos de esta nueva Directiva, que contribuirá a preservar la reputación de Escocia de poseer un entorno limpio e incólume.
I broadly support the intentions of the new directive, which would help preserve Scotland's reputation of having a clean, unspoiled environment.
Por eso, precisamente, no hemos podido llegar a algo positivo en Bali pero, sin embargo, nuestra voluntad de llegar a un acuerdo sigue incólume.
This is the very reason we were not able to achieve anything positive in Bali but, nevertheless, our desire to conclude an agreement remains intact.
No se puede admitir que el Gobierno del Reino Unido salga incólume por su comportamiento erróneo y mala gestión en la cuestión de la EEB.
The obscure activities and manoeuvrings of the committees on veterinary medicine and health questions cannot and must not be allowed to continue as they have in the past.
Sin embargo, hoy nuestra respuesta no es política, sino humanitaria, y consiste en decir a quienquiera que nos escuche que liberen a Alan Johnston incólume y sin trabas.
However, today our response is not political - it is humanitarian, to say to whoever is listening: release Alan Johnston without harm and without hindrance.
Esto se calificó de liberación, pero hubo estonios que fueron deportados a Siberia, en una ola de deportaciones tras otra y sin que ninguna familia quedase incólume frente a represión.
This was referred to as liberation, but Estonians were deported to Siberia, with one wave of deportations following another and no family left untouched by the repression.
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