
"sano y salvo" in English

"sano y salvo" in English
sano y salvo{adjective} [idiom]
safe and sound{adj.} [idiom]
Me alegra que haya regresado de Japón sano y salvo.
I am delighted that you have returned from Japan safe and sound.
sano y salvo
safe and sound

Context examples for "sano y salvo" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Nos han dicho que Alan sigue sano y salvo, pero no quiénes le retienen.
We are told that Alan remains alive and secure, but not who is holding him.
Me alegra que haya regresado de Japón sano y salvo.
I am delighted that you have returned from Japan safe and sound.
Ya veo que está sano y salvo y que después de lo sucedido en Kosovo, no se ahorcó, como Judas Iscariote.
Now I can see that he is healthy and well, that following the Kosovo event he did not hang himself as Judas Iscariot did.
Erkel fuera liberado sano y salvo.
The Russian authorities were called on to make every effort to secure the safe release of Mr Erkel.
sano y salvo
safe and sound
Señor Presidente, me alegro de ver que el señor van Baalen ha vuelto a Europa sano y salvo y que sólo ha sido expulsado cuando ya estaba en el avión.
Mr President, I am pleased to see that Mr van Baalen has returned to Europe safely and that he was only expelled when he was already on the plane.
Señor Presidente, tal como espero, saldrá usted sano y salvo en coche para su casa inmediatamente después de la sesión, pero todavía no estará del todo a salvo.
Mr President, when you - in good health, I hope - make your way home by car immediately after this session, then you will still not be safe.