
"responder de" in English

"responder de" in English
to answer for{vb} [idiom] (accept responsibility for)
Si otros no lo hacen es su problema, yo sólo puedo responder de mí mismo.
If others do not then that is their problem, but I can answer for myself.
Señora Presidenta, en este momento no puedo responder de manera precisa a dicha pregunta.
Madam President, I cannot provide an accurate answer to this question at the moment.
No se puede responder de un modo preciso porque los ingresos dependen de varios factores.
There's no precise answer, because your earnings will depend on a number of factors.
to answer for{vb} [idiom] (guarantee)
Si otros no lo hacen es su problema, yo sólo puedo responder de mí mismo.
If others do not then that is their problem, but I can answer for myself.
Señora Presidenta, en este momento no puedo responder de manera precisa a dicha pregunta.
Madam President, I cannot provide an accurate answer to this question at the moment.
No se puede responder de un modo preciso porque los ingresos dependen de varios factores.
There's no precise answer, because your earnings will depend on a number of factors.

Context examples for "responder de" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Ahora quiero responder a algunas de las opiniones críticas vertidas en su informe.
Now I would like to reply to some of the critical views expressed in your report.
No pueden responder solos al aumento de la competitividad en esta economía global.
They cannot respond alone to the increased competitiveness of this global economy.
Eso significa responder a las demandas de la sociedad civil y del sector privado.
That means responding to the demands of civil society and the private sector.
Si trabajamos con presión, no tendremos tiempo de responder a todas estas preguntas.
When working under pressure there will be no time to answer all these questions.
No estoy en condiciones de responder en detalle sobre estos puntos adicionales.
. I am not in a position to reply in detail regarding these further points.
Mi pregunta para el Consejo es la siguiente: ¿podría responder a esto de inmediato?
My question to the Council is: could you perhaps respond to that straight away?
persona humana se encuentra en condiciones de responder al mandamiento divino
vocation is fulfilled to the extent that the human person is able to respond to
Es más, resulta crucial, como usted ha dicho, ser capaces de responder rápidamente.
What is more, it is crucial, as you have said, to be able to respond promptly.
Es lo justo, pues hemos de responder a las preocupaciones de los ciudadanos.
That is only right and proper, for we must be seen to respond to public concerns.
Ahora tenemos que responder a este estado de cosas y no seguir tolerándolo.
We now need to respond to this state of affairs, and not continue to tolerate it.
Creo que el presupuesto 2012 será crucial a la hora de responder a esa pregunta.
I believe that the 2012 budget will be crucial in answering that question.
Para que sea eficaz, debe responder a las necesidades de la sociedad moderna.
To be effective, it must be properly attuned to the needs of modern society.
Por ello, huelga decir que Europa tenía que responder al problema de las inundaciones.
It therefore went without saying that Europe had to respond to the flood problem.
Señora Presidenta, tengo el honor de responder a una pregunta de la señora Harkin.
Madam President, I have the honour of answering a question from Mrs Harkin.
Debo responder específicamente a algunas de las cuestiones planteadas hace un momento.
I must specifically reply to some of the issues that have been raised just now.
Dejo a los colegas franceses la tarea de responder a los ataques contra Estrasburgo.
I shall leave it for our French colleagues to respond to the attacks on Strasbourg.
Es preciso responder a las necesidades de la población mediante la asistencia técnica.
The needs of the population should be addressed by way of technical assistance.
Las considero cuestiones importantes a las que queremos responder de manera positiva.
These strike me as important issues to which we want to respond in a positive way.
Si me lo permiten, quisiera responder a una de las preguntas que se han formulado.
I should like, if I may, to respond to one of the questions that was asked.
Señora Presidenta, quisiera responder de algún modo a lo que acaba de decir mi colega.
Madam President, I should like to respond to what my fellow Member has just said.