"high ground" in Spanish
"high ground" in Spanish
high ground
terreno elevado
It was the perfect time to seize the high ground and it failed to do so.
Era una ocasión perfecta para apuntar a lo más alto, y no lo ha hecho.
they were always built on high ground
siempre se edificaban en un alto
Mr President, it is useless to take the moral high ground when debating about drugs.
Señor Presidente, es inútil defender altos ideales morales a la hora de debatir sobre las drogas.
Context examples for "high ground" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
It is actually MrButtiglione who holds this moral high ground.
En realidad, es el señor Buttiglione quien adopta esa postura moralista.
That was how, not so long ago, we justified out claim to the humanitarian high ground.
No hace mucho tiempo, reclamábamos humanismo de esta manera.
His critics assume the moral high ground, and this is wrong.
En realidad, es el señor Buttiglione quien adopta esa postura moralista.
His critics assume the moral high ground, and this is wrong.
Sus críticos creen adoptar una postura moralista, y esto es erróneo.
The prison at Guantanamo Bay squanders a precious American legacy and surrenders vital high ground.
La prisión de Guantánamo desperdicia un valioso legado norteamericano y renuncia a una postura esencial.
The new right is getting hold of them and using them to capture the moral high ground.
La nueva derecha se está apropiando de estos valores y se sirve de ellos para competir desde las cimas de la virtud moral.
Maybe it sounds like I am taking the high moral ground; I am not.
Quizá suene como si pretendiera presentarme ante ustedes como una autoridad moral, nada más lejos de mis intenciones.
The moral high ground is a precarious location.
La razón moral es un terreno precario.
Please do not misunderstand me, but the industrialised nations of the West should not take the moral high ground where Turkey is concerned.
No me entiendan mal, pero las naciones occidentales industrializadas no deben encumbrarse sobre Turquía.
the eagle was soaring high above the ground
el águila volaba a gran altura
they were always built on high ground
siempre se edificaban en un alto
Our struggle can only win the moral high ground if it clearly is within the limits of national and international law.
Nuestra lucha solo puede adquirir autoridad moral si se encuentra claramente dentro de los límites del derecho nacional e internacional.
Mr President, Madam Vice-President, I do not believe that Mr Rack, or other Austrian Members can claim the moral high ground.
Señor Presidente, señora Vicepresidenta, no creo que el Sr. Rack u otros diputados austriacos puedan vanagloriarse de altura moral.
The biggest danger for democracy is the loss of the moral high ground and this is a further serious capitulation in the face of terrorism.
El mayor peligro para la democracia es la pérdida de su autoridad moral y esta es otra capitulación grave frente al terrorismo.
Russia will, interestingly, now claim the moral high ground in international law - perhaps for the first time in recent history.
Curiosamente, Rusia invocará -puede que por primera vez en la historia reciente- la prevalencia de la moral sobre el Derecho internacional.
Rather than re-structure its steel industry, the US risks losing the moral high ground in the global campaign for free trade.
En vez de reestructurar su siderurgia, los Estados Unidos se arriesga a ceder en el terreno moral en la campaña mundial en favor del libre comercio.
moral high ground
instancia moral suprema
high ground
terreno elevado
Europe should, where culture is concerned, put its own house in order first before seeking to take the moral high ground on behalf of the entire world.
En lo que a la cultura se refiere, Europa debería poner en orden su propia casa antes de adoptar una postura moralista en nombre de todo el mundo.
Time and time again, the EU is happy to take the high moral ground on human rights issues and on calling for adherence to international standards and law.
Una y otra vez, la UE se complace en moralizar sobre cuestiones de derechos humanos y reclamar que se cumplan las normas y el derecho internacionales.
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