
"machacar" in English

Aquellos jóvenes que entonces se manifestaron de forma totalmente pacífica ahora han envejecido antes de timpo, machacados a raíz de las terribles condiciones que imperan en las cárceles chinas.
Those young people who demonstrated entirely peacefully at the time are now prematurely aged, ground down as a result of the terrible conditions prevailing in Chinese prisons.
to swot up on {vb} [Brit.] [coll.]

Context examples for "machacar" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Por tanto, tenemos que machacar a la gente de alguna manera con los gramos por kilómetro.
So one way or another, we have to drum these grammes per kilometre into people.
De modo que gastamos millones en machacar a los niños con que tienen que comer manzanas y otras frutas.
So we are spending millions on drumming it into the heads of children that they should eat apples and other fruit.
No obstante, la Comisión Europea ha dejado fuera sistemáticamente la eficiencia energética como principal política para machacar en su lugar a la industria del automóvil.
However, the European Commission has consistently sidelined energy efficiency as a flagship policy in favour of hammering the motor industry.
Hemos votado a favor de la tasa Tobin para machacar a instituciones financieras ya de por sí debilitadas a fin de darle el dinero a un manojo de personas que probablemente lo roben.
We voted for a Tobin tax to hammer already weakened financial institutions in the west and give the money to a whole bunch of people who will probably steal it.