
"de dos partidos" in English

"de dos partidos" in English

Context examples for "de dos partidos" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Esto supondría un giro hacia la implantación de un sistema de dos partidos políticos, lo cual no puede ser democrático.
That would result in a shift towards a two-party system, and that cannot be democratic.
Quisiera limitarme a comentar una sola cuestión fundamental, a saber, la amenaza de prohibición de dos partidos, el AKP y el DTP.
I would like to confine myself to one key issue, namely the threatened ban on two parties, the AKP and the DTP.
Parecería que tanto los Demócrata-Cristianos/Conservadores (PPE-DE) como los Socialistas (PSE) tienen la intención oculta de intentar crear un sistema de dos partidos en el Parlamento Europeo.
Both the Christian Democrats/Conservatives (PPE-DE) and the Socialists (PSE) would seem to have a hidden agenda of trying to create a two-party system in the European Parliament.