
"common land" in Spanish

"common land" in Spanish

Synonyms (English) for "common land":
Context examples for "common land" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The Internet is a meeting place, a forum for free information, a sort of common land.
Internet es un lugar de encuentro, un foro para la libre información, una especie de terreno común.
As a consequence, large areas of the Greek forest have remained common land, in effect a no-man's-land.
En consecuencia, grandes extensiones de bosques griegos continúan siendo terrenos comunes, de hecho, tierras de nadie.
Transports of nuclear material will become more common by sea, land and air with all the attendant risks.
Los transportes de material nuclear van a pasar a ser más habituales por mar, tierra y aire, con los consiguientes riesgos.
common land
tierras comunales