
"close enough" in Spanish

"close enough" in Spanish

Context examples for "close enough" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The European Commission has been blamed for not keeping a close enough eye on it.
Se reprocha a la Comisión Europea el poco control que ha mantenido sobre la misma.
We are closer with this package, but we are still not close enough.
Estamos más cerca de ello con este paquete, pero todavía no lo bastante cerca.
It is not enough to close our eyes in the hope of avoiding contamination by the problems.
No basta con cerrar los ojos para evitar que se contagien los problemas.
Make sure that the microphone is positioned close enough and that you are speaking directly into it.
Asegúrese de que el micrófono esté suficientemente cerca y de hablar directamente al micrófono.
Mr Solana, I am sitting quite close to you, close enough to see your face.
Señor Solana, estamos cerca y puedo ver su rostro.
The microphone isn't close enough to pick up your voice.
El micrófono está demasiado lejos para captar su voz.
In other words, it accuses it of failing to close enough companies and make enough workers redundant unlike, for example, the Greek steel industry.
Es decir, los acusa de no haber cerrado bastantes empresas y de no haber despedido a bastantes trabajadores, como ocurrió en el caso de la industria griega del acero.
Our aim is to succeed at least in bringing the points of view close enough together so that the Commission might take its inspiration from the proposals put to it for 2008.
Nuestro objetivo es conseguir al menos aproximar suficientemente los puntos de vista para que la Comisión pueda inspirarse en ellos en las propuestas que se le piden para 2008.