
"change of course" in Spanish

"change of course" in Spanish
And Parliament has issued strong calls for a change of course on many occasions.
El Parlamento ya ha reclamado a menudo con firmeza un cambio de rumbo.
Let us try and come to a change of course on this as soon as possible.
Intentemos y consigamos un cambio de rumbo a este respecto lo antes posible.
I therefore believe that we must change the course of the CAP, but not abolish it.
Creo, por tanto, que tendría que producirse un cambio de rumbo de la PAC, pero no desaparecer.

Context examples for "change of course" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
And Parliament has issued strong calls for a change of course on many occasions.
El Parlamento ya ha reclamado a menudo con firmeza un cambio de rumbo.
The change of course does, however, mean that we need to have different irons in the fire.
Sin embargo, el cambio de curso significa que hemos de tener diferentes recursos.
How much will is there to change the course of the current trend of globalisation?
¿Cuánta voluntad hay para cambiar el curso actual de la mundialización?
Let us try and come to a change of course on this as soon as possible.
Intentemos y consigamos un cambio de rumbo a este respecto lo antes posible.
I therefore believe that we must change the course of the CAP, but not abolish it.
Creo, por tanto, que tendría que producirse un cambio de rumbo de la PAC, pero no desaparecer.
We need clarification of how our money is being used and a clear change of course.
Necesitamos clarificar el modo en que se usa nuestro dinero, así como un cambio de rumbo nítido.
that year something happened which was to change the course of history
ese año sobrevino un hecho que habría de cambiar el curso de la historia
Let me say from the outset that the time has come to change the course of Euro-Mediterranean policy.
Me apresuro a decirlo: es el momento de reorientar la política euromediterránea.
Unless there is a change of course, Germany's population alone will have fallen by a quarter.
A menos que haya un cambio de rumbo, solo la población de Alemania habrá descendido un 25%.
There needs to be a radical change of course in order to achieve the Millennium Goals.
Obviamente es necesario que se produzca un cambio radical para conseguir los Objetivos del Milenio.
How much will is there to change the course of the current trend of globalisation?
Pienso que la idea europea merece francamente algo mejor.
Unless there is a change of course, Germany's population alone will have fallen by a quarter.
A menos que haya un cambio de rumbo, solo la población de Alemania habrá descendido un 25 %.
For this clear change of course, what is needed first of all in Tunisia is a new Head of Delegation.
Para lograrlo, lo que necesitamos en primer lugar en Túnez es un jefe de delegación nuevo.
It is urgently necessary for the Commission to change its course here.
La Comisión debe modificar urgentemente su modo de proceder.
I should like to see this House confirming this bold change of course.
Espero que nuestra Asamblea confirme ese cambio atrevido.
What is needed now is a complete change of course, away from today's frameworks and policies.
Lo que ahora hace falta es un cambio de rumbo radical que se aparte de los actuales marcos y políticas.
Your abrupt change of course towards interim 'goods-only' agreements is too little, too late.
Su brusco cambio de rumbo hacia los acuerdos provisionales "únicamente de bienes" llega demasiado tarde.
It is evident that during the Bush administration, the cowards of this world threaten to change their course again.
Parece patente que durante la era Bush, las cosas pueden cambiar en el mundo.
Why do we not have the courage, the strength and the imagination to bring about this change of course?
¿Porqué no tenemos el valor, la fuerza y la capacidad exacta para llevar a cabo este cambio de rumbo?
It suggests nothing to change this course.
Tampoco presenta ninguna propuesta para cambiar este rumbo.