
"hilera" in English

"hilera" in English
fringe{noun} (of trees, houses)
line{noun} (row)
row{noun} (straight line)
los árboles estaban plantados en hilera
the trees were planted in a row
una hilera de casas
a row of houses
Antes, cuando uno iba a la biblioteca, veía impresionantes hileras de libros que se podían coger de los armarios, se les ponía el sello y se cogían prestados.
In the past, when you went to a library, there were impressive long rows of books that you could take off the shelf, have stamped and take away with you.
hilera(also: fila)
string{noun} (of vehicles)
draw-plate{noun} [construct.]
drawplate{noun} [metal.]
hilera(also: surco)
drill{noun} [agr.] (furrow)
file{noun} [mil.] [form.]

Context examples for "hilera" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Terminar con una hilera de tomate seco.
Garnish with a sun-dried tomato strip.
los árboles estaban plantados en hilera
the trees were planted in a row
vivienda al final de una hilera de casas adosadas
end-of-terrace house
¡Entremos también nosotros en la hilera de los humildes y de los pobres de espíritu para poder recibir la sabiduría donada por el Padre!
Let us be part of the army of the humble and poor in spirit so as to receive the wisdom given by the Father and bring joy to the Heart of Christ!