
"as a matter of fact" in Spanish

That does not mean more regulation; as a matter of fact it means less.
Esto no significa más regulación; en realidad, significa menos.
My impression is that we know very little about this as a matter of fact.
Mi impresión es que en realidad sabemos muy poco al respecto.
There are countries where the foundations of a modern economy are, as a matter of fact, only just appearing.
Existen países donde los cimientos de una economía moderna son en realidad una fachada.
as a matter of fact
a decir verdad
as a matter of fact
a decir verdad
As a matter of fact, the preamble to the 1957 Treaty of Rome is the common thread in our role as European elected representatives.
A decir verdad, el preámbulo del Tratado de Roma de 1957 es el hilo conductor de nuestra función como representantes electos europeos.
de hecho{adv.}
As a matter of fact, the process of economic recovery is not over yet.
De hecho, el proceso de recuperación económica todavía no ha finalizado.
As a matter of fact, I wish to congratulate the rapporteurs on their work.
De hecho, deseo felicitar a los ponentes por su labor.
Mr Bourlanges is, as a matter of fact, the author of many of our references.
Bourlanger es, de hecho, el autor de muchas de nuestras referencias.
as a matter of fact
a decir verdad
as a matter of fact
a decir verdad
As a matter of fact, the preamble to the 1957 Treaty of Rome is the common thread in our role as European elected representatives.
A decir verdad, el preámbulo del Tratado de Roma de 1957 es el hilo conductor de nuestra función como representantes electos europeos.

Synonyms (English) for "as a matter of fact":
Context examples for "as a matter of fact" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Mr Bourlanges is, as a matter of fact, the author of many of our references.
El Sr. Bourlanger es, de hecho, el autor de muchas de nuestras referencias.
As a matter of fact, although cities are all different, they face common challenges.
De hecho, aunque todas las ciudades son distintas, afrontan retos comunes.
As a matter of fact, I am going to have another such meeting tomorrow morning.
De hecho, voy a mantener otra reunión de este tipo mañana por la mañana.
As a matter of fact, for you and your government, that strike never happened.
De hecho, para usted y para su Gobierno, dicha huelga nunca tuvo lugar.
Few societies as a matter of fact are, but it has been fairly obvious.
De hecho, muy pocas sociedades lo han conseguido, pero eso ya lo sabíamos.
As a matter of fact, our long-term rates are at their lowest level for 100 years.
De hecho, nuestros tipos a largo plazo registran los niveles más bajos de los últimos 100 años.
As a matter of fact, the process of economic recovery is not over yet.
De hecho, el proceso de recuperación económica todavía no ha finalizado.
As a matter of fact, the resolution is just as one-sided as the Goldstone report itself.
De hecho, la resolución es igual de parcial que el informe Goldstone.
The fisheries sector, as a matter of fact, has already begun to be affected.
El sector pesquero, de hecho, ya ha comenzado a verse afectado.
Looked at in a matter-of-fact way, that is also what our many common interests require.
Visto de manera práctica, esto es lo que también requieren nuestros numerosos intereses comunes.
My impression is that we know very little about this as a matter of fact.
Mi impresión es que en realidad sabemos muy poco al respecto.
That does not mean more regulation; as a matter of fact it means less.
Esto no significa más regulación; en realidad, significa menos.
Health inequalities within the European Union are a matter of fact and must be overcome.
Las desigualdades en salud en la Unión Europea constituyen una cuestión de hecho y hay que superarlas.
As a matter of fact, I wish to congratulate the rapporteurs on their work.
De hecho, deseo felicitar a los ponentes por su labor.
As a matter of fact, they have, for the first time ever, produced a report.
De hecho, por primera vez, han elaborado un informe.
As a matter of fact, you have already answered this question as well.
De hecho, Sus Señorías ya han respondido a esta pregunta.
As a matter of fact, I voted in favour of the report in its entirety.
De hecho, he votado a favor de la totalidad del informe.
There are countries where the foundations of a modern economy are, as a matter of fact, only just appearing.
Existen países donde los cimientos de una economía moderna son en realidad una fachada.
I would say, as a matter of fact, that this is the fundamental issue.
Por lo demás, ése es, a mi juicio, el problema esencial.
As a matter of fact, RTVI is made up of journalists who have escaped government-controlled media outlets.
Los programas de televisión emitidos en ruso se subtitularán sistemáticamente en belaruso.