
"me da igual" in English

"me da igual" in English
me da igual[example]
he llegado a un punto en que ya me da igual
I've reached the point where I don't care any more
"Me da igual, hijo”, le dije.
"I don't care, my son,” said I.

Context examples for "me da igual" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Pero me da igual, mientras siga teniendo la sensación de que podemos encontrar una solución.
I do not care, as long as I have the feeling that we can reach a solution.
Pues me da igual, digan que, por muestreo, el Estado tal o cual no hace las cosas bien.
They should say that, according to the sample, such and such a Member State is not doing things right.
Mientras se cumpla esta condición me da igual dónde se establecen las oficinas de la misma.
And as long as that requirement is met, I am not concerned where the offices of this Agency are based.
A mí me da igual quién intenta dividir y separar Kosovo.
It is also irrelevant, in my view, as to who is working towards separation and division in Kosovo.
Si esto se demuestra en 24 o en 30 meses me da igual. Tiene que demostrarse.
It makes no difference to me whether the evidence has to be produced within 24 or 30 months, but the evidence must be produced.
Prodi o alguno de sus candidatos dijera: «Ah, pues me da igual», entonces tendrá problemas.
If Mr Prodi or one of the other nominees replies, 'Well, I couldn't care less' , then these nominees will have a problem.
Prodi o alguno de sus candidatos dijera:« Ah, pues me da igual», entonces tendrá problemas.
If Mr Prodi or one of the other nominees replies, 'Well, I could n't care less ', then these nominees will have a problem.
me da igual —contestó en tono despectivo
it's all the same to me, she answered scornfully
Podría decir que como austríaca me da igual pues después de Amsterdam ya no tenemos que retirar nuestra ley.
I could now say as an Austrian that I do n't care, that after Amsterdam we certainly do not have to suspend our legislation.
me da igual que vengan o no
it's all the same to me whether they come or not
me da igual una cosa u otra
it doesn't matter to me one way or the other
me da igual
which do you prefer? — I'm not fussed
A mí me da igual que sea un serbio, un roma, un bosnio o un albanés el que recibe amenazas o es asesinado en Kosovo.
It is irrelevant, as far as I am concerned, as to whether it is Serbs, Roma, Bosnians or Albanians who are threatened or killed in Kosovo.
¡me da igual!
see if I care!
Me da igual, la verdad, dónde hayan cometido su delito originalmente, lo que quisiera es que toda suspensión que se les imponga tenga efecto en toda la Comunidad.
I do not really care where they committed their original offence, I should like to see that any suspension inflicted on them has effect across the Community.