
"half-way point" in Spanish

"half-way point" in Spanish

Context examples for "half-way point" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
We have almost reached the half-way point in this ten-year strategy and there is still a lot left to do.
Casi hemos llegado a la mitad de esta estrategia decenal y todavía queda mucho por hacer.
So we are at the half-way point and it is appropriate to take stock.
Estamos, pues, a mitad de camino y es oportuno reflexionar.
In other words, 2005 is the half-way point in the programme of ten years that the Union set itself to halve the number of deaths.
Pero el debate sobre esta propuesta de directiva relativa a los servicios portuarios apenas ha comenzado.
Mr President, as you have personally remarked, we have arrived at the half-way point in Parliament's fifth term of elected office.
Señor Presidente, como usted mismo ha podido constatar, nos encontramos ya en la mitad de la quinta legislatura.
Mr President, Commissioner, ladies and gentlemen, in 2003 the current period of the financial perspectives will reach its half-way point.
Señor Presidente, señora Comisaria, queridos colegas, en el año 2003 concluirá la mitad del período vigente de las perspectivas financieras.
. - (DE) Madam President, we are at the half-way point in this Action Plan, and it is time for a review.
en nombre del Grupo Verts/ALE. - (DE) Señora Presidenta, nos encontramos a mitad de camino en este Plan de Acción, y ha llegado el momento de realizar una revisión.
As presidency we are acutely conscious that we are almost at the half-way point with regard to the 2010 deadline by which the targets set in 2000 must be reached.
Desde la Presidencia somos totalmente conscientes de que estamos casi a mitad de camino con respecto al plazo del 2010 para alcanzar los objetivos establecidos en 2000.